6 thoughts on “Now in Print: January 3”

  1. With W20 just on the door step this release seems a bit… odd. Not that I’m complaining as I’m glad that Onyx Path will be releasing print on demand -versions of the revised core books instead just keeping the 20th anniversary editions available as printable versions.

    Now all we need is the VtM Revised in print on demand…

    • V_O, the intent has always been to have our entire back catalogue available in print again. This includes Vampire Revised and Werewolf Revised. There’s no conspiracy.

      • It’s seemed a little weird to me that more effort wasn’t put into putting the Revised core books into the front of the list when it came to “re-mastering” the PDFs and PoDs.
        I understand that each book has its own complications (acquiring old files to work from, or finding physical copies and scanning each page and then OCRing them, etc.), but it’s felt strange to me that Revised core books took so long to put together, when other books (like “The Book of Nod” for example) got a lot of effort put into them to re-create and offer.
        While we know that OPP/CCP/White Wolf intends to put the entire library out in PoD, and there are some circumstances that make some easier to offer than others, there is obviously some amount of preference from “those in charge” that influences which titles get the treatment before others. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but perhaps some books (like the Core books) could/should get a little more attention than more obscure titles that need the same, or more attention.
        I think that the Werewolf: Revised PoD not being available until after the W20 KickStarter was over was more a matter of circumstance than conspiracy (at least, that’s my hope), but those suspicious of such things could get that impression (not that World of Darkness has ever taught us not to trust The Man, or what we’re told by those in charge… πŸ˜‰ )

        However, the effort and results of the tremendous amount of work needed to produce PoD quality files from such an immense catalog of 20 years is monumental and appreciated, I assure you. So, thank you to everyone who’s been working on them to make these out-of-print titles available to us. πŸ™‚


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