Now in Print: Lords Over the Damned: Ventrue

Ventrue Lords over the damned

Lords Over the Damned: Ventrue is now available in print on DriveThruRPG!

They Win. They Always Win. 

The Ventrue — ancient kings and cutting-edge moguls — have a simple reputation. They win. They always win. They are known as Lords, and across all the World of Darkness, wherever you find vampires, you’ll find Ventrue behind them, pulling the strings.

Ventrue: Lords over the Damned includes:

• Learn the true, secret history of the Ventrue — the clan that always wins.
• Be there for the return of the Malkavians: Vampires driven insane by a supernatural plague.
• See what the Ventrue look like first-hand, from accounts written by Kindred from across the globe. This is a rich, vivid, and frightening tour through the World of Darkness for players and readers alike.
• New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers, and clan secrets that every Vampire: The Requiem player will want to have.

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