Now in Print: Mage: The Ascension Novels

Now available in ebook (ePub and mobi) formats as well as print: classic Mage: The Ascension novels Penny Dreadful and Truth Until Paradox Revised!

Penny Dreadful

Penelope Anne Drizkowski-Penny Dreadful to her friends-leads an interesting life, but it’s starting to get just a bit too interesting. First off, a young lady has enough trouble fending off unwanted advances, but what is one to do when they’re from vampires? What about werewolves?

Then again, most girls aren’t witches. With the help of a silver luckpiece, a mummified hand and a talking black cat, any number of things are possible. For example, protecting two helpless orphans. Well, not completely helpless-and their father’s a vampire, so they’re not precisely orphaned either-but Melanie and Malory Gorian still need her help, and she intends to give it.

Of course, mixing Jewish folklore with Catholic heresy isn’t the best idea, especially when you add magick. And looking for helpful hints in an evil sorceress’s Books of Shadows doesn’t exactly help matters, especially when our heroine is forced to use an ancient and obscene rite, too dreadful to be mentioned here, except to relate that it will shock, horrify and amaze!

Black magick, windswept mansions, ghostly visitations, sinister housekeepers and any number of locked chests-as well as butter knives, Number Two pencils, fountain pens and Hello Kitty. After all, this is ’90s, and Goth is in.

Truth Until Paradox

Reality is a Lie
Most people do not understand how mutable the world truly is. Most people do not realize that they hold the power to shape reality. But a few do, and they are called mages. Mages know that reality is a lie, or rather that any reality can be truth. The mages of the Traditions believe that mankind is destined for Ascension, that we can all be led to a greater relationship with reality. But other mages are less caring. They want their truth to be the truth.

The World of Magic
Collected herein are seven stories set within the World of Darkness, a world much like our own but wherein the supernatural exists and where dark forces beyond the sight or comprehension of mankind are at work. These stories have been selected and edited by Stewart Wieck, creator of Mage: the Ascension and co-creator of the World of Darkness.

5 thoughts on “Now in Print: Mage: The Ascension Novels”

    • I redeemed PD just a day ago and I’m almost positive I never made a DTrF account to do so. Worst that could happen is it’ll say there is no such account. The link won’t go ka-put.

    • I redeemed PD just a day ago and I’m almost positive I never made a DTrF account to do so for previous books. Worst that could happen is it’ll say there is no such account. The link won’t go ka-put.

      Sorry for potential double posting.

    • DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, DriveThruFiction, DriveThruComics, DriveThruCards, DNDClassics, and WargameVault all share the same back end.


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