2022 is Onyx Path’s tenth anniversary, so every month this year, we’re celebrating a different game line!
April is Exalted month.
For the second half of the month, non-Solar Exalted PDFs from the Exalted 3rd Edition game line are on sale for 10% of their original prices, for our 10th anniversary. That means it’s 90% off!
The sale includes Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought, the Dragon-Blooded ST Screen, Dragon-Blooded desktop wallpaper, Heirs to the Shogunate, The Realm, The Silence of Our Ancestors, Lunars: Fangs at the Gate, the Lunars ST Screen, the Lunars map, and the Exalted map of Creation!
Additionally, for the remainder of the month, our partners at Indie Press Revolution are offering 50% off physical Exalted core rulebooks and ST screens!
But what about an Abyssal book? Or Sidereal? I dont see any hint of those books being considered
It’s an announcement about a sale of existing book PDFs with no mention of upcoming projects…what kind of a hint could there possibly be?
By hint I mean in any press releases or Monday Meeting notes
Would be greatly appreciated if a much higher resolution version of “Exalted map of Creation” was released / updated in DTRPG. Location names are very pixelated in current version.