Ow. Ow. Ow.

Project Status

* Rich is still putting together Strange, Dead Love, and plans to devote most of this evening towards it.

* Secrets of the Covenants will be replaced on the schedule with a different Requiem book, so that we can spend some more time really thinking about what we want to say about the covenants. Eddy will be talking that over with Russell.

* While we continue to work with epub issues, we’re going to move forward with the PDF release of Strangeness. That’ll go on sale this week.

* C. A. Suleiman is working on final revisions to the Mummy outline — he’s been injured recently and is still recovering.

Meeting Notes

* I’m sore from starting my fill weight-training program over the weekend. Yesterday I could barely move my arms to type.

* Rich, on the other hand, spent his weekend cutting up some trees into firewood (with a hand saw) and righting other trees that fell down from his evil snowstorm.

* Rich discovers the ability to see the free download numbers on DriveThruRPG, and is blown away by how many people like free stuff.

* Rich and I are both planning to use the day to get caught up on stuff — him with contracts and layout, and me with MMO work and checking in with freelancers.

* In the back of Dust to Dust is a revised Onyx Path schedule — we’re pushing up Hunters Hunted 2 and moving the Mage Convention book back to get all the Vampire material out together. It’s just a tweaking of our overall release strategy — nothing’s getting cancelled. Here’s the current schedule:

Spring 2012: (VtM) Children of the Revolution
Summer 2012: (VtM) Hunters Hunted 2
Fall 2012: (WtA) Werewolf: The Apocalypse – 20th Anniversary Edition
Winter 2012-2013: (MtA) Mage Convention Book

* Rich and I talk about the art direction for the upcoming Vampire books and which artists to use.

* Rich plays Name that Tune. I mistake the sting used for Spock in the original Star Trek for the theme to Twin Peaks.

Today’s Reason to Drink: On November 21, 1918, a pogram starts in Lwów (now Lviv); over the course of three days, over 50 Jews and 270 Ukrainian Christians are killed.

6 thoughts on “Ow. Ow. Ow.”

  1. Aside from “Gamers like free stuff”, did the numbers happen to reveal anything particularly interesting? Like, many times was Werewolf Revised downloaded, for instance? 😉

  2. It wasn’t that I don’t know that we like free stuff, it was how many bits of old free stuff gets downloaded each week that I find interesting. Like, are these old fans who are just now going electronic or are they new folks checking various lines out? Both, or neither- I just don’t know. Yes, the sales history of any of our PDF/NiP products are right there… in fact the Werewolf Revised sales are

  3. Sad to see Secrets of the Covenants getting pushed back. I’ve been reading the Covenant books, and they’re kinda… Scattered. Still, glad to see dedication to doing it right, and looking forward to hearing what you’re replacing it with!

  4. I agree with Nick. Was looking forward to a more focused book regarding the Covenants. The Current Covenant books can be a bit scattered and lack the focus that later books like Invite Only and Danse Macabe seem to have. The latest books that have been released by white wolf tend to be the most useful to me personally.

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