Pollen Count = Body Count

Meeting Notes

  • It’s pollen season in Atlanta. Of course, Rich is safely tucked away in a different state, so I’m the only one suffering.
  • If you’ve never been to Atlanta before, that yellow crap in the picture is exactly what it looks like. It’s so damned attractive, let me tell you.
  • We talked a bit about the future of Scion and Trinity. Nothing we can go public with, but we did talk about it.
  • Werewolf Translation Guide should be wrapping up approvals finally. It should be live soonish.
  • Rich has been talking with the lovely Kelley Barnes about marketing stuff recently.
  • We also kicked around potential GenCon plans.
  • The art for Victorian Lost is nearly all in.
  • Surveys are going out for people who participated in the Kickstarter.
  • We talk over some ideas for new Kickstarter plans, and how it would work with other, upcoming products.
  • Werewolf 20th, Mummy, and Blood Sorcery are all moving along.
  • Rich is talking to MrGone about character sheets.

 Today’s Reason to Drink: It’s Prince Kuhio Day in Hawaii! Drink to one of the two officially recognized holidays dedicated to royalty in the United States.

14 thoughts on “Pollen Count = Body Count”

  1. Any updates you can provide on Geist 1.1? I received another ‘updated’ file late last week in my DriveThruRPG account (the third), but the file was still corrupted. The ‘possibility’ of future updates for Scion and Trinity is great news. I don’t think Scion, especially, ever got a chance to prove its’ worth given the significant system issues that were never properly errata’d.

  2. We talked a bit about the future of Scion and Trinity. Nothing we can go public with, but we did talk about it.


  3. “Werewolf Translation Guide should be wrapping up approvals finally. It should be live soonish.” c’mon pre-April release -fingers crossed-

  4. Beware Gaia’s Vengeance!

    I’ve all-but canceled my Gen Con plans for this year in the hopes that The Grand Masquerade might actually be held in September still, so that I can get my W20 book at TGM this year instead of having someone else pick it up for me. Please, I’d love to hear if there’s anything worthwhile being planned from White Wolf/CCP for Gen Con this year! (even if it’s just updates on panels and discussions in that regard.)
    (Also, this counts as a bump for more info on TGM (The Grand MOOT) 2012.

    Waiting ever-so-impatiently for the Werewolf translation guide.
    Also, Ethan’s post on W20 was greatly insightful into what might be showing up in the book. I won’t be surprised if W20 is the first White Wolf book to utilize 6 point font just to come in under 530 pages. 😉

    On a side note, the WoD panel discussion at the EVE Fanfest was pretty awesome, I gotta say, even for a project so unfinished and still in development. I hope it quiets the folks saying that it’s been abandoned, or shelved (I’m sure that was the purpose of it) and will be a good point of reference when people ask why they haven’t heard anything else about WoDMMO between now and November. Good luck to everyone working on it–can’t wait to see more in good time!

  5. What Torakhan said. Plus anxiously awaiting word for TGM if it happens.
    Cant wait for BS, this book will get a lot of use in my current chronicle.

  6. Cool to hear about about Scion and Trinity! Even if nothing comes of it, still good to know it’s being discussed.

    Also glad to hear about the Werewolf Translation Guide. The Vampire one was awesome, so I’m sure this will be too.

  7. I just spewed rainbows. It was coffee before the spewing…

    Awesome that you’re approaching Mr. Gone. 😀

    And be still my beating heart… you guys are talking Trinity? Booya! 😀

  8. Just chiming in regarding the potential for some movement on Trinity. Cash standing by to buy stuff. Just let me know where and when 🙂



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