Prescott Tribe Sketches: the Almost Last Ones

Look at me mangling the English language on these post titles. Here are the last of the regular Tribe sketches from our good friend, the talented Mr. Steve Prescott. The updates to these will now come more slowly as he takes the notes given and creates the finishes. The rumor is that he’s finished the Get of Fenris piece already- it’s a rumor because while Steve told me it was done, I haven’t seen it yet. 😉

But here are also his revised sketches for the Shadowlords and Fianna. Comments from Steve below- you’ll notice that I excised some of his words with our old buddy the XX- that’s because the pieces he’s referencing will show up on Friday’s posting.

XX and glasswalkers.  Not much to say for XX- oh, other than
I still need to add the XX creature drawing in the
background.  It wasn’t called for the Glasswalker guy to have a hand
gun but I recall that being their signature weapon and I thought it
might look cool if he was armed and ready for trouble as he
infiltrated something or other.  He has a bluetooth ear piece and, for
the sake of overplaying the “tech” vibe, he has a blackberry type pad
sewn onto the sleeve of his jacket.  Why?  For no other reason than it
might look cool.  If it doesn’t, I’ll paint it out easy enough.
Notice the cockroach design on his sleeve and the cockroach angle on
the shadow?  Aw yeah.

Two more that are stickin’ in my craw a little.  I not getting the
vibe I want on Mari for the Black Furies – and the XX woman looks
a little too “XX” for my liking.  I’m going to work on those
some more tonight.


Then Steve updates these thoughts with his last sketches:

Rich- last two!  BlackFuries will have a greek-styled pegasus in
background.  I actually wanted Mari to have a clenched fist held up in
defiance or victory but realized that Albrecht already has his fist
held up.  I could switch out Albrecht’s  and just have his arm down by
his side (I think that would still work for him – his presence alone
signifies power).  Any thoughts?


6 thoughts on “Prescott Tribe Sketches: the Almost Last Ones”

  1. They’ll be mostly traditional (acrylic) but I may employ a dash of digital trickery to the paintings if it is called for.


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