Punchdrunk on Kickstarter Juice

Rites full Gaydos

Although in this art from V20 Rites of Blood, the Advance PDF of which is coming this week to DTRPG, I have a hunchΒ the liquid being served isn’t punch.

Last week, I mentioned that I’d like to talk more about some of the principles I’d like Onyx Path to hold to, but with all the hoopla and commentaryΒ being fired back and forth because of text included in the D&D5th Basic Rules, I think I’ll save talking about inclusion until a later blog.

Because Kickstarter has become a very visible part of our business model, but was never part of my initial plans for Onyx, it has had a huge impact on how we’re perceived now after 11 successful Kickstarter pledge drives. We’ve certainly had our ups and downs with it, and a lot of growing pains, but I’m pleased to see everybody here learning and improving with each KS we do. But because of the extended time frames, both intended and some we didn’t expect, and the ways our KSs have overlapped, the better processes and understanding of whatΒ we are doing can get lost in the upset and frustration of backers several KSs back. So we improve, but an upset backer is already gone- which we really regret. On the other hand, folks who stuck with us, and there are a satisfyingly large number of them, are reaping the benefits of our upward learning curve.

So here are a few things we’ve learned from each KS and how we’ve tried to implement changes based on that learning:

1- V20 Companion: some backers were upset that the book was the 80ish page countΒ we always intended it to be, but hadn’t specifically written into the KS project description because both Justin and I had always based it on the classic companion books with the screens, which were that size. This was a mistake. Now every KS has an expected page count included, and I try and describe as fully as possible the overall look we’re trying for.

2- V20 Children of the Revolution:Β our first Stretch Goal project was added to this, and that project, the V20 Red List, is still being worked on. That’s because the project was added during the KS, and was pitched as a labor of love to be done in the writer’s spare time. Now allΒ extra projects are confirmed as something that will be part of the line and time allotted to them like any other of our books. This realizationΒ was too late for the next KS, though.

3- W20:Β Hoo, boy. Multiple lessons here. Overstate the difficulties of doing new processes, like the die-cut through the leather and especially the Heavy Metal cover. Quadruple the estimated time until release. Don’t add a Stretch Goal that’s new and just getting started like the dice-roller. Go with the worse-case shipping numbers because those will be a lot closer to the real costs once this big book ships. Oh, and 400+ page books cost a tonΒ more to ship than the smaller 120 page books did previously. Most of all, use a shipper who specializes in shipping and knows little of RPGs, as opposed to an RPG shipper.

4- Mummy: the Curse: This was the first new game core book we KS’d, and there were issues with the info we put into the KS not having enough actual details on what the game was about and played. When we did the Demon: the Descent KS we included a link to the almost complete actual text itself, as we’ve done with the supplement KSs as well.

5- V20 Hunters Hunted 2: Here is where we first learned that supplements fund more slowly, and so we tried adding in some changes to the text itself as Stretch Goals to stimulate the process. Boy did that work, and it also delayed the book getting finished as the extra material had to be added. We now plan for the extra Stretch Goal text to the book itself taking more time than originally assumed. We also learned we could create a cool looking Deluxe book that didn’t have to match V20.

6- Exalted 3rd Edition: This is one of those projects that are so big that we haven’t yet figured out everything we’re learning from it. I will say that I think I’d rather have folks getting frustrated over a KS taking a long time to start than over the project getting finished. So, although they are not KSs yet, we’re not announcing either a Trinity Continuum, or a Scion 2nd Edition KS until the text is actually near complete and not likely to get changed by system tinkering. For a similar project, Mage 20th, I pushed out the expected delivery date even though I hadΒ text in hand that was already close to completion.

7- W20 Changing Breeds:Β This is the book that reminded us that while we were starting to think there were only core books and supplements, that a book could have such interest and such an exciting KS that it would surprise us and require a bit of flexibility in thinking. It suffered a bit from the same extra Stretch Goal material issues as HH2, but Stew Wilson was ready for that and got writers working even as the KS wound down- the real issue was the extra art and added page count. That extra page count caused a bunch of trouble with the printer including more material like the cover leatherette needing to be bought. And I was finally made aware that standard page gilding adds a solid month to the manufacturing process. So subsequent KSs have been planned with an eye towards how much larger the books might go, and what we need to do to cover those costs and any extra time the printing might take.

8- Demon: The Descent:Β A lot of the learning experiences from previous KSs paid off here, but we did get some commentsΒ about how backers could use a PoD book to play with until the KS version is printed and shipped, and we should have included one in the Reward Tiers. Now, I had deliberately stayed away from including PoD rewards after our first KS and the PoD aspects not meshing with the Deluxe shipping. But, with the help of DTRPG’s Matt McElroy, we found a way to discount PoDsΒ for backers in later KSs.

9- V20 Anarchs Unbound:Β This book was confirmation that supplements really need small Stretch Goals that enable additional text, and must be planned with that in mind. It also confirmed a sneaking suspicion I was getting that we wouldn’t be able to keep offering every X20 supplement as Deluxes, because while we funded this, it was hard to get the KS arranged in the schedule. We’ll be picking and choosing which X20 supplements get KSs from here on, and as Wyrm showed, they will have Stretch Goals that add to the book itself.

10- Mage 20th:Β Another biggie that was designed based on the previous big KSs, and is going well so far. We will be reviewing it as the projects go through their stages.

11- W20 Book of the Wyrm:Β We used the ideas garnered from other supplements, and also added the Pentex Board Meeting election to see how voting might shake up the KS. Still looking at what worked, and didn’t.

Just to say, these aren’t all the lessons we’ve learned- there are nitty-gritty artist or scheduling or printer aspects that we’ve also been fine-tuning. But they show the cumulative effect of two years of KSing.

In talking with Eddy today, he relayedΒ that CCP is effectively on summer holiday, and I made the call to bring Eddy out to Gen ConΒ with the rest of our Onyx Path cadre (poor fool will probably be rooming with me). So the Rich and Eddy “What’s Up With…?” road-show of panels continues into its fourth or fifth straight year. This is good news.

Here, Drink in These Projects:

– Book of the DeceivedΒ (MtC):Β In Editing.

– Sothis AscendsΒ (MtC): Some text was re-distributed and needs further writing, otherwise in redlines.

– Cursed Necropolis: RioΒ (MtC): First drafts heading into redlines.

Β Exalted 3rd Edition: Β From Holden: β€œIllness made the last week less productive than hoped. Work on the book largely consisted ofΒ a lot of playtest-based tweaks to Charms and social systems this week. Introduction is finished and heading off to editing today. Evocation work resumed, moving now into the home stretch.” Still need art notes- which are the descriptions of what needs to be illustrated created by the devs as guidance and inspiration for the artists.

BothΒ EX3Β novels are being worked on, and notes wentΒ back on Matt Forbeck’s synopsis. TheΒ EX3 Music SuitesΒ are at a standstill right now until our composer gets through his full time job commitments.

– V20 Anarchs Unbound:Β It isΒ liveΒ on DTRPG in PDF, ePub, PoD and PDF/PoD combos.Β http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/127247/Anarchs-UnboundΒ Meeting with Mirthful Mike about getting printer quotes finalized for Deluxe version on Tuesday.

– V20 Rites of the Blood: Advance PDF on sale at DTRPG this week. (Advance PDF designates a full PDF release, but one where we will take purchasers’ comments and fixes and tweak the files before the PDF and PoD are on sale together. Advance PDF purchasers get a discount link for purchasing the PoD version based on the cost of the PDF/PoD combo price.) And as pointed out above, our art piece this week is a full-page piece by Michael Gaydos from the book.

– V20 Dark Ages:Β Almost entirely in post-writing Development. David Hill has deliveredΒ some art notes.Β Full page art notes going out to artist.

– V20: Ghouls:Β In 2nd drafts.

– V20 Red List:Β In final draft stage.

– The Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution:Β Creating PoD files to go with PDF for sale on DTRPG.

– V20 LoreΒ of the Clans:Β Was Blood Diaries. Writing.

Β Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition:Β I’m told the very last missing W20s and W20 Screens in Europe are going out this week. Mike Lee hasΒ delivered several newΒ chapters this week of theΒ W20Β β€œHouses of the Moon” novel for Bill to review.Β TheΒ White Howlers Tribe BookΒ is in layout approval, and the comic wasΒ being scripted by Bill Bridges andΒ John Bridges hasΒ started on the art.

– W20 Changing Breeds:Β Deluxes and ScreensΒ should be atΒ the fulfillment shipper Tuesday (tomorrow) as the 4th of July holiday screwed up trucking and receiving of the books.

–Β W20 Book of the Wyrm- And done! It was a delightful KS, see above,Β and Stew is getting the new text an sections assigned. We’ll be moving very fast to get the Surveys out with the ballots for the Pentex Board seats on them right after Amazon Payments finalizes everyone’s pledges. Then after all that, work needs to begin onΒ theΒ Pentex Employee Indoctrination Manual Stretch Goal project.

– W20: The Umbra:Β In post-second draft development.

–Β Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition-Β  Satyr Phil has handed all the textΒ off to Bill. Bill hasΒ started his β€œsecond set of eyes” developer’s pass.Β The Character PackΒ book and theΒ β€œHowΒ Do You DOΒ That?” book would beΒ next on our agenda. TheΒ M20 Quick StartΒ PDF/PoD will go on sale as soon as we confirm with a new PoD proof that the binding is as we specified (the last proof was not what we’d asked for).

–Β Trinity Continuum: System Doc being assembled by Joltin’ Joe Carriker. He says system development is really hard and apologizes for the delay. The first new piece of art in YEARS has been commissioned. We’re doing some Gen Con things with that. Jumpin’ John Snead had to replace a writer for the Aeon core book, but says things are still coming together nicely.

Β Scion:Β Sketch for Scion: Origins came in and WOW! Expect to see itΒ and the new character’s artΒ at Gen Con.

Demon: the Descent Prestige Edition: at press.

– Demon: The Descent:Β Demon Seed CollectionΒ is in post-writing development- just need to get in all the city-based fact checking notes.Β DtD SeattleΒ is in layout and art directed.Β Heirs to HellΒ backers’ PDF went out to KS backers last week- we’ll be assembling the errata and getting the PDF and PoD versions ready to go on sale.Β Demon Translation GuideΒ is being written. TheΒ Demon Fiction Anthology +Β InterfacesΒ is inΒ post-writing development.

– DtD Players Guide: Flowers Of Hell:Β PDF is available now:Β http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/131419/Flowers-of-Hell-The-Demon-Players-Guide. We’ll be assembling the errata this week to prepare the PDF and PoD on sale versions.

– nWoD: Dark Eras:Β The VtR section is benefiting fromΒ a focused dev pass, while the rest of the Eras are in editing.

– WtF: The Idigam Chronicle:Β In 2nd drafts. Stew Wilson is doing a remarkably regular FridayΒ blogΒ that focuses on specific topics for the book- lots of good discussion happening right now:Β https://theonyxpath.com/category/projects/werewolftheforsaken/

– GtSE: Geist Ready Made Characters:Β In redlines.

Reason to Drink:Β Humidity. Ugh.

61 thoughts on “Punchdrunk on Kickstarter Juice”

  1. Not getting ahead of myself but seeing “home stretch” near Exalted is great to see. Saw that Holden and co. went to the Street Fighter tourney. Watched some of it on twitch but didn’t get a chance to see the fellas in the crowd. Just wanted to say thank you to Rich for the insight into OP and thank you to all the writers, developers and artists hard at work.

    • Yes, I’d hold off on true celebration until we get all the EX3 files edited, all the art bought, the book laid out, and index made, etc. Thanks!

  2. This kind of post is one of the reasons I continue to back Onyx Path kickstarters. Lessons are learned, applied to the future KS’s and each step is communicated pretty clearly to backers.

    Question about this month’s schedule: is there any chance we’ll see the fiction anthology for Mage’s Fallen World Chronicle in the next month or two, or is that kind of on hold while Mage is being written?

    • It’s being written simultaneously. Due to fiction taking much less time to redline, second-draft, and lay out than a corebook, it’ll be out before the Chronicle book. Barring anything going horribly wrong, of course.

  3. Excellent post. I love how open Onyx Path is to learning and changing. I haven’t backed every KS, but those I have I’ve always been satisfied with, and there are several I had no intention of backing that I ended up doing so anyway through the sheer power of the awesome on offer.

    Slight tangent on Exalted: how has the map progressed? We were going to get a look as it developed, but at some point you stopped updating us on it. As a map nerd, I’m really jonesin’ for some more-complete looks. Maybe just close-ups of bits of each Direction, and the final reveal when the book comes out. Just a thought.

    • We couldn’t update the “living map” so shared the finished one in an Update. I know because there were immediate complaints that we didn’t post it high-res so folks could read every detail- which of course also would have allowed reproduction before we released it. Not a good thing. We’ll show more once the book gets pulled together and we know it really is finished.

  4. Take this a neutraly as possible, that is the spirit I am writing it in. That and pure ignorance of the realities of publishing.

    When the Kickstarter was announced, originally, the impression was given that much of the book was or would soon be in production. Then the guies decided to scrap charms and start over from the ground up. Got that, that gets us to now.

    “Still need art notes- which are the descriptions of what needs to be illustrated created by the devs as guidance and inspiration for the artists.”

    That sounds to me like, up until now, there has been no art done for E3… Which kinda makes my head wanna spin, if that is what it means. A book this big, there is going to be a good bit of art, and its gonna be color too. So that means artists are going to need even longer to make it, send it in, get feedback, etc, etc…

    I am rambling.

    Summation, if the target date for the original pdf (which I would imagine would have the art assets included) was Oct 2013, and it is now July 2014, why in the name of kittens could art assents not been preped, ordered, received, etc etc and be in the que just waiting for the books text to be completed? Please tell me I am wrong in thinking that Ex3 not only has zero art assets ready, but artists have not even been shipped notes on what you want so they can work you into their schedual…

    I know, Onyx Path, one man, many freelancers, juggling lots of flaming chainsaws. We want the book done right, not right now. I have backed every KS core so far and plan to continue, but please tell me I am wrong about the art.

    • I’m most certainly not someone from the Onyx Path, but I can tell you that we have already seen some of the art for Ex3. All the signature characters, for example. And there was that illustration of an Exigent, forgot her name. Seemed like a full page illustration. I recall also seeing Mask of Winters at some point, and probably a couple others that escape me momentarily.

    • Since we’ve seen more than a few pieces of art for Exalted 3rd I’d say that it’s more of a case of the pieces that go next to/above/below certain parts of the text to illustrate what the text is talking about (to use Vampire as an example, usually around the part where it talks about animalism and a specific discipline there is some artwork showing a vampire using said discipline).

      So if my assumption is correct (and to be clear this is just an assumption) they are waiting until the right parts of the book are definitely locked in to make sure that when they describe something the artwork is not demonstrating something they had decided against. It might seem like an odd thing to worry about, but being a big Hunter: The Reckoning fan I can tell you the biggest problem with the artwork was that in more than a few places in the corebook alone you had artwork showing things that the rules on the previous page stated was impossible (case in point; a hunter cleanly decapitating a zombie with a phone handset by swinging it around by it’s cord while the rule system on the previous page was dealing with how damage worked).

    • Other than the art for the Kickstarter, no further art was commissioned because no art notes were possible from the developers. We could have arranged for generic pieces based on my guesses as to what we needed, or we could have delayed finishing the Charms in favor of the Devs writing the art notes, but in the end we prefer to follow the best practices of not rushing any phase of this project.

  5. It’s not just your awesome Kickstarters that keep me coming back for more. It’s also the open development. I’m not terribly a fan of the Cwod. But keeping up with the DA Vampire posts I’m figuring on contributing for at least one copy of the book.

    On the subject of Kickstarters, and I know the update would be covered if there was one. But is there even the tiniest amount of information on the Demon Deluxe print?

      • Speaking of the Demon KS, I just want to say that I was VERY pleased with how that went. Loved the PoD coupons(got Demon, GMC chronicle, and the condition cards thanks to them and I hope you continue to offer them for future KS-especially Wraith!), loved the communication from not only you, but also Rose and Matt, and loved the full text preview. I thought you all did an outstanding job on that one and I am one very pleased customer/fan.

  6. A regular kickstarter here, hello ^^

    Few things to comment on on your KS lessons. I think the popularity and pledging are also tied to how needed the book is and what it offers over the previous versions. For Changing Breeds, a lot of people love them, so an updated version was cool. But it got better when you detailed the Lost Breeds, something that no book has ever offered aside from Past Lives’ gift lists.

    One thing that I think made post-KS time after W20 so hard was that people were gearing up to play the games, but had no content to use. Adding the preview PDF helps in that, you have an idea what the book has, and so can use the content before the PDF comes out. For stuff like the Wyrm20, where BSDs were rewritten, that’s gonna be VERY useful.

    Anarchs unbound was not, in my opinion, a KS book. KS books need to be pretty general in their content, maybe a bigger book of all sects would have worked better.

    But yeah, I think offering content that is either osbcure (Fallen Changing breeds from the MET book of the Wyrm) or things you never fleshed out (Lost Breeds) are a good way to attract attention.

    • Certainly, interesting content is really what should be in every book. And remember, we’re going to make these books regardless of the KS, they just won’t be Deluxe or Prestige.

      • Aside from the deluxe, for me the extra content is really why I join the KS’. Each splatbook got better by the stretch goals it reached. As for cores like M20, the extra splatbooks the KS’ offer as goals means the line gets useful extra books faster.

        • Very good point, and one I meant to stress in the blog: there are, to our thinking, two basic kinds of KSs for us right now with the big books’ Stretch Goals being about adding cool new extra projects to the line roll-out, and the smaller books’ being more about adding cool bits to them.

  7. “Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution”. I keep looking for that on DriveThru, but I can’t find it, yet you seem to be implying here that the pdf is already available?

  8. OK, so..um..I notice that you list everything except Demon the Descent itself. I am eagerly waiting to see that reach the point that w20 Changing Breeds is at. How comes that Deluxe’s trip to the printers?

    • Demon is still being printed. I’m not actually sure why I dropped a Demon out of the updates here. I don’t think there was a reason, so much as a cut and paste omission. Let me fix that.

  9. I have to say iam quite happy with you guys (except some delays for a few books but that can happen) you not obly admit when something is not going rifht BUT also learn from errors. That is bot something many companies manage to do in your branch. So very good job there!
    Also the open developement process drom the ladt view projects you made is somethibg noteworthy and a vry nice change to how things were in the past and still are with most companies there!

    For rhe new system that scion will use so i understand your comment there correctly that it will be shown only after gencon and not before?

    • Thanks! I really doubt we will be showing it before Gen Con at this point. Once Joe and team are done with the system doc, we want to review it in-house before letting you folks hit it with hammers.

      • Tnx there. Thought so since the last monday post but wasn’t sure

        (btw mistyped earlier today….should have been tom not rom^^)
        The gencon time will be an interesting one then^^

  10. Appropriately enough, I was just going to ask if Dark Eras was next on the Kickstarter list. The timing looks complicated, what with GenCon coming up, but since it’s probably the closest thing to an Awakening KS I’ll get soon, I’ve been looking forward to it.

  11. I’d like to say that the crunchy/mechanics in the new Convention Books are wonderful and fully worth the price of entry alone. The Technocratic definition of the Spheres of Magick are done right awesome: The Syndicate’s Prime Sphere: “Primal Utility” is mind-blowing, The Void Engineers’ Defined Cosmologies, increased detail on Dimensional Science and Void Correspondence and N.W.O.’s Data Correspondence are all beautiful.

    The Character Templates in all the new Convention Books are fascinating and very useful.

    The overall flavor of each Convention is done very well. You really get into their individual points-of-view and what’s important to them. There is on exception though: The VOID ENGINEERS monomaniac focus on Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica was a catastrophic mistake – although I realize it’s tied to the overarching meta-plot. I enjoyed Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica for the first two seasons and then the story turned to garbage. Battlestar Galactica isn’t on most science fiction fans’ minds anymore because Ron Moore ruined the story in the last two seasons so I question the decision to make it a HUGE part of Void Engineers revised and the central point of the ongoing meta-fiction plot of the Technocracy. It’s such an important part of Void Engineers that it basically ruined the definitions of all the Void Engineer’s Methodologies. I can’t even look at Research & Execution without seeing Galen Tyrol and I despised the way Ron Moore ineptly portrayed Engineering in the Battlestar Galactica series. It’s just awful.

    I’m really bothered by the meta-plot/overarching storyline. I’m not a fan. I think that railroading Technocracy fans into one way of running a Technocracy focused Mage the Ascension Chronicle is a serious design mistake. There are plenty of science fiction fans who now despise Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica – if you wanted to add some pop-culture flavor you should have given a variety of options.

    Another problem that comes from the Battlestar Galactica meta-fiction is THREAT-NULL. Threat-Null is ostensibly the stand in for TECHNOCRATIC ASCENSION and it portrays Technocratic Ascension in EXTREMELY DISPARAGING ways. It’s not very inspired – the far future technology ideas of Iteration X, Progenitors, NWO, and the SYNDICATE of Threat Null are incredibly bland, shockingly uninteresting, not forward looking at all, and extremely negative of the Technocratic Paradigm. Threat Null is a facile boogey-man villain that’s a fusion of the CYLONS, The BORG, and some other boring references I didn’t quite catch.

    Finally, the Avatar Storm/Dimensional Anomaly meta-plot storyline was decisively panned/rejected by most fans way back in early 2000. I remember hating it with all my heart back then and I still hate it now. So why did Onyx Path/White Wolf compound that catastrophic mistake by doubling down on it? What I want from Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary edition is a variety of stories to launch great chronicles from and I don’t want any of them to involve the Avatar Storm/Dimensional Anomaly. Technically, if the Dimensional Anomaly “cut the head off the Technocracy” and all the former Masters, both tradition and technocracy, were “lost” (either destroyed or twisted into evil Umbral entities), then the all Dreamspeakers, Sons of Ether Ethernauts, and ALL of the Void Engineers should have been utterly destroyed. However, Threat-Null has no Void Engineer counterpart, why doesn’t it (are the Void Engineers Ryan Macklin’s favorite Convention?). It’s just another galaxy sized plot-hole in the Avatar Storm meta-plot. [lastly, across all the new Convention Books there’s a bias against Iteration X. NWO has taken the HIT Mark Cyborg program from Iteration X. The Progenitor Revised Convention book has essentially described Iteration X as invalids who need hand-holding. And Void Engineers Revised’s beginning fiction shows Iteration X as incompetent morons since they were easily dispatched by a Reality Deviant creature but the Void Engineers sweep in, calls the ItXers idiots, and saves the day]

    I know I’m being very direct, but I really hate the Avatar Storm and it ruins the experience of Mage the Ascension for me. (I forgot to mention the Gernsback Contiuum and how much I enjoyed using it in my chronicles – the Avatar Storm of course ruined that)

    • Oh! I just remember the Threat-Null Progenitors resemble the aliens from “Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict” except without all the cool TECHNOLOGIES

    • The Convention Books were designed to work as Mage Revised books, so naturally the Avatar Storm had to be treated as it was in Revised. Even with Ryan’s take on things, they were still essentially retro. M20 is a new line that pulls from the best of all three editions and adds Satyr Phil Brucato’s ideas that have percolated all these years since he was Mage developer. I believe he mentioned that the Avatar Storm is handled in a sidebar in M20, for those fans who enjoyed it and want to still incorporate it.

      • He’s handling things like the Avatar Storm similar to the “Future Fates” sidebars in Sorcerers’ Crusade. STs can run it as if the Storm was still going on, it died down , or it never happened.

    • The ItX book was done over a decade ago, the Convention will probably be updated in Technocracy Reloaded.

      There isn’t a metaplot in M20.

  12. Wait what D&D5e hoopla? I know the basic rules came out last week but what’s the verdict? Damn curious to hear what onyx path people think.

      • oh no. people really have a problem with that? the reason I kinda got out of video games this year was because it’s enthusiast culture has too much of a preoccupation with arguing gender politics. I mean life is a bummer so I want to escape the real world’s nonsense. but everyone wants to bring real world bummers into where I’m trying to escape to. I got no issue with transgendered people being in whatever game’s setting or rules – so can’t we just ignore those who do have a problem with it and focus on the games instead? please?

          • And I’m not saying we can’t all discuss the several issues D&D5’s launch last week brought up, just that if we go down that road here and now, it’ll likely take over any discussion about KSs and projects that we’re doing. But if we can wait a bit, I think there will be a good moment for this discussion next week.

        • “real world bummers” is what people want to take Out of video games by discussing gender.
          Hegemonic white male dominance is very much a real world problem, and the fact that it colors and decides what the gaming culture looks like in the (very, very high) degree that it does, is both problematc and a real world problem that has no business existing in the fictional worlds we want to enjoy.

          Sorry for bringing it up, even though you said you did not like talking about it πŸ™ forgive me

          • don’t get me wrong. I’m fine with the serious talk. problem is most people aren’t capable of doing it without being self-indulgent on whatever side of the argument they’re on. so it creates a toxic environment that I want no part of. i used to enjoy going on websites and discussing the things I enjoyed. Not so much now. It’s all righteous indignation and why X is wrong. I just don’t want to be around all the inarticulate negativity. It’s why they say “never talk politics or religion at the dinner table”. there’s a time a place for it and in my opinion where I go to have fun isn’t the time or place.

        • To be fair, the vast majority of that thread is a long series of posts essentially thanking WotC for doing right by the LGBT community in a really unexpected way.

          Rpg.net has some pretty strong and effective moderation, it stays very civil, by internet standards.

  13. I hope The Sabbat The Silence of the Blood got a KS πŸ˜‰
    And another question will V20 Red List got a KS? or at least different treatment in the layout as the Red List of the first edition? Creative layout works as well like a Deluxe edition for me (like Requiem line clan books)

  14. A question regarding PoD. Will the Book of Spirits, Book of the Dead, Geist the Sin-Eaters and Mirrors be eventually available as hardcover color premium?
    I am starting adding the PoD books to my collection of traditional printed books. And I would like the best quality so I can enjoy the beautifull books the most.

    I am excited about the Dark Era’s book, this would be the first time that I will back a kickstarter from Onyx (unless Wraith 20th will kick of sooner). I saw that Matt McFarland wants to do a Dark Era for Innocents. Could it be a Victorian Era with a World of Darkness variant of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys (but different from Orpheus). And a scifi Dark Era for Demon the Descent where chosen humans will become tools for the God-Machine to exterminate the demons once and for all. Hmm.. perhaps I should wait for the kickstarter..

    Thanks to all the writers and artists and everyone involved in making the World of Darkness such an awesome yet terrifying world!

    • Since Dark Eras’s Kickstarter is going to be designed so enable fan input on additional Eras, those suggestions would come in handy during the KS.

  15. Why do I see six V20 products and one product that has one VTR mention? Is Onyx path moving away from working on VTR in favor of V20?

    • Mostly because there are a bunch of V20 projects that are reaaaaallly backed up and we need to get finished, while Requiem’s projects are either rolling along nicely or were pushed a bit back before we announced them. How could we leave VtR after the applause Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle got?

    • No.

      Several V20 products were attained because of Kickstarter, so that inflates their numbers. If you check our Current Projects page (link near the top), you’ll see which V20 products are in the Stretch Goal section. There are also two VTR products on the active schedule.

    • I was just talking to Rich “Dead Guy” Dansky about Wr20, and yes, we think later in the year is more likely. Rich’s day job can sometimes demand more effort than usual from him, which we have to plan for in our expectations on the timing of Wr20 development.

  16. I am kinda curious about that die roller. It doesn’t affect me personally because I’m an Android user, but still. During the KS it was in the testing phase. Did that version get scrapped, or back-burnered? Do you still have someone working on it, and are they in-house or external? (Or did I completely miss a release of it?)

    • I’m also curious about the dice roller. You referred to it as a lesson learned in promising new tech, but we’ve also had no updates, for good or ill, in ages. Has it been abandoned?

  17. Just throwing in my 2Β’ on the E3, TC2 and S2.

    I am a backer for the E3 kickstarter and will be and then so e for the trinity and scion. I am a HUGE fan of all three systems and am still running Aberrant.
    That being said, I want ya to know I respect your ability to out out a quality product and as much as I might be tapping on a vain looking for a hit, take the required time you need to continue doing great work!
    People get sick, life gets in the way and things change. I hope the fans can understand that and realize in the end we will be getting a better, more stable product for the wait.
    Keep up the good work and please oh please give us a heads up on the KS for Trinity and Scion. Hoping to maybe get a higher tear for Trinity/Aberrant to get a character in or mention but need to know to save the pennies before it goes live. I weekly check the website here and the Monday meeting notes!
    Thank you again to everyone that is working in all the amazing products you guys bring out for the fans!

    • 100% agree. I am checking E3 news every day and am extremely excited for the Dragon Blood and Aberrant Kickstarters. Just finished up an old school Aberrant mini-campaign recently and am pumped for a new edition!

    • The advance notice on KS’s has been pretty good – so I’m assuming Trinity fans will also get decent notice. I suspect Ian, Rich and Co. will be making all kinds of noise when this one gets ready to hit πŸ˜€

      I’ll certainly be shouting about it to anyone within earshot when we hear its on the way (sorry, my ever suffering G+ gaming contacts!).

      I did notice that Aeon/Trinity got bumped from ‘November’ to ‘On the Horizon’ on the current projects page, so its….well, unlikely to be November at this point. No biggie though.


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