Welcome to the Release Roundup! This is where we update you on what we’ve been up to for the last month, from weekly releases to crowdfunding project to production status update.
This month’s Onyx Path releases include:

- Scion: Scion: Origin (roll20)
- Scion: Scion: Hero (roll20)
- Scion: Scion 2e Roll20 Bundle (roll20)
- Scion: Scion: Hero Bundle (PDF + roll20)
- Scion: Scion 2e Bundle (PDF + roll20)
- Scion: A Light Extinguished Bundle (PDF + roll20)
- Scion: Storypath Tasty Bit: The Library (PDF)
- The World Below: The World Below, Ashcan Edition (PDF/print)
- They Came from Beneath the Sea!: They Came from Beneath the Sea! (roll20)
- They Came from Beneath the Sea!: They Came from Beneath the Sea! Bundle (PDF + roll20)
- They Came from Beyond the Grave!: They Came from Beyond the Grave! VTT Assets (VTT)
- They Came from Beyond the Grave!: They Came from Camp Murder Lake! VTT Assets (VTT)
- Exalted: Crucible of Legend (advance PDF)
- Mage: The Awakening: Tome of the Pentacle (PDF/print)
- Hunter: The Vigil: Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition VTT Assets (VTT)
This month’s Community Content, from the Storypath Nexus, Slarecian Vault, and Canis Minor includes:
- Scarred Lands: 100 Books to Find in Ghelspad IV
- Dystopia Rising: Evolution: The Pitt Chronicles [BUNDLE]
- Scion: Vini, Vidi, Vici Part 2: Roman Setting for Scion
- Scion: The Ipmil
- Scion: Pindorama Bundle
- Scion: Imperium [BUNDLE]
- They Came from Beyond the Grave!: Fresh Meat: Ready-Made Characters
- Trinity Continuum: Core Collection 1 [BUNDLE]
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: 99 Novas II
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: Nightwatch’s Nemeses
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: 99 Novas [BUNDLE]
- Pirates of Pugmire: 100 Notes and Letter for Pirates of Pugmire
Trinity Continuum: Aegis ended on BackerKit and funded in under nine hours! We wrapped up at $47,845, or 239% of our original $20,000 goal, thanks to our 979 backers!
We’ve reached the following stretch goals:
- Aegis Reference Screen
- Aegis Redbubble T-Shirt
- Aegis Atlas x2: Expanding on some Aegis locations, and additional People of Interest. Additional Locations and Devices: additional non-Greek locations, along with some Aegis-appropriate super-science gadgets and devices.
- Aegis Digital Wallpaper
- Aegis Mobile Wallpaper
- Aegis VTT Token Pack

Titans Rising launched Tuesday on Kickstarter and funded in 12 hours and 5 minutes! We’re currently at $38,898, or 130% of our original $30,000 goal, thanks to our 592 backers!
We’ve reached the following stretch goals:
- Titans Rising Starting Adventure
Items in bold have changed in status since last month. Early stages, such as proposals, outlines, and approvals, are not shown here.
Development: These stages typically happen first in a project, and concern the words you’re going to be reading.
- First Draft: Writers turn in their initial drafts
- They Came from [CLASSIFIED]!: Quip, Cinematic, Twist, and Fiendish Plot Cards
- They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave: Quip, Cinematic, Fantastic Settings, and Fiendish Plot Cards
- Exalted: Exalted Essay Collection
- Realms of Pugmire: The Curious Cats of Mau
- Redlines: Developers make notes and desired changes to writers
- Exalted: Miracles of Divine Flame (Exigents Companion)
- Second/Final Draft: Writers turn in second drafts based on developer redlines
- Realms of Pugmire: Threats and Curs
- Development: Developers tie everything together and make any desired final changes.
- The Earthbane Cycle: At the Gates
- Scion: God: Player’s Guide
- Scion: God Jumpstart
- Branch Riders
- Manuscript Approval: The developed manuscript goes to Content Leads, In-House Developers, and the Creative Director for final approval.
- The Earthbane Cycle: The World Below
- Trinity Continuum: Aether: The Aether Companion
- Exalted: Abyssals: Sworn to the Grave
- Post-Approval Development: If changes are requested from the previous stage, or additional miscellaneous development needs to be done.
- Editing: Editors check for typos, nomenclature, and formatting errors.
- Scion: Divine Inspiration
- Scion: Titans Rising
- They Came From…!: They Came from the RPG Anthology!
- Exalted Essence: Tomb of Memory Jumpstart
- Post-Editing Development: Additional approval and minor fixes from developers.
- Trinity Continuum: Tasty Bit Compilation
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: From the Shadows
- Exalted Essence: Deeds Yet Undone (Adventure Trilogy)
- Exalted: Sidereals: Charting Fate’s Course
- Indexing: Larger rulebooks have a comprehensive index created.
- Trinity Continuum: Anima: Trinity Continuum: Anima Rulebook
Art Direction: These stages happen concurrently with the final stages of Development, and concern the visual appearance of the final product. Accordingly, some items may appear in both the Development and Art Direction lists.
- Art Notes Prep: Hand-off between production and art. Art notes are collected from developers, projects placed in a holding pattern as artist availability is managed.
- Scion: Tasty Bit Compilation
- Scion: Wild Hunt
- Scion: No Gods, No Masters
- Scion: Demigod Companion
- Scion: Path to Apotheosis (Demigod Scenarios)
- Scion: Dragon Companion
- Scion: Community Content Style Guide
- They Came From…: Heroes of Action and Wonder!
- They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave: They Came from Witchford Academy!
- They Came from [CLASSIFIED]!: Storypath Tasty Bit: Hotel Lobby (September)
- They Came from [CLASSIFIED]!: They Came from the Danger Zone!
- They Came from Beyond the Grave!: Storypath Tasty Bit: Cabin in the Woods (October)
- They Came from Beyond the Grave!: They Came from Camp Murder Lake! VTT Adventure
- Trinity Continuum: Community Content Style Guide
- Trinity Continuum: Aether: Aether Player’s Guide
- Trinity Continuum: Aether Jumpstart
- Trinity Continuum: Aether: Audio Drama
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure!: Danger Skies! (was Thrilling Tales)
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: Hated and Feared
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: Best At What I Do
- Trinity Continuum: Anima: DLC
- Trinity Continuum: Anima Jumpstart: alt-AR (Cascade)
- Trinity Continuum: Anima Jumpstart: Shattered Seals (Terra Surge)
- Trinity Continuum: Anima: Terra Surge Reference Screen
- Mage: The Ascension: Forgotten and Forbidden Orders
- M20 Victorian Age: Bizarre Tales and Unusual Characters
- Exalted Essence: Novella 3: A Murder in Whitewall (Cole)
- Exalted Essence: Pillars of Creation (Essence Companion)
- Realms of Pugmire: Squeaks in the Deep Companion
- Realms of Pugmire: Realms of Pugmire 2e Core Rulebook
- Realms of Pugmire: Realms of Pugmire Jumpstart
- Art Direction: Artists are hired according to the needs of the line and book. Art is created and turned in.
- Scion: Titans Rising (crowdfunding)
- Scion: God 2nd Edition
- The Earthbane Cycle: The World Below (prepping for crowdfunding)
- They Came from…!: They Came from the RPG Anthology!
- They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave!
- They Came from the Cyclops’s Cave!: Jumpstart
- They Came from [CLASSIFIED]!: Jumpstart
- Trinity Continuum: Aegis
- Trinity Continuum: Aether
- Trinity Continuum: Aether: The Aethernaut Collection
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure!: Adventure! Addendum
- Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: With Great Power
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: From the Shadows
- Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: Hated and Feared
- Mage: The Ascension: Faces of Magick
- M20 Victorian Age: Weird Wonders and Revolutionary Magick
- M20 Victorian Age: M20VA Jumpstart
- Exalted: Many-Faced Strangers (Lunars Companion)
- Exalted: Sidereals: Charting Fate’s Course
- Exalted: Exigents: Out of the Ashes
- Chronicles of Darkness: Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters
- Changeling: The Lost: The Hedge
- Deviant: The Renegades: The Clades Companion
- In Layout: Typeface, coloration, and art are chosen, added to the manuscript text, and laid out for visual appeal.
- Scion: Once and Future
- They Came from [CLASSIFIED]!
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure!: Adventure! wallpaper
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Apocalyptic Record wallpaper
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Icons of Rage
- Exalted: Across the Eight Directions
- Exalted Essence: Novella 1: What Lies Forgotten
- Exalted: Essence: Essence Charm Cards
- Hunter: The Vigil: Hunter 2nd Edition Jumpstart
- Proofing: The final book layout is checked over by the art director, creative director, and sometimes the developer to make sure everything appears as it should.
- Scarred Lands: Spiragos Collected Adventures
- Scion: Dragon Jumpstart
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure!: Adventure! Addendum
- Exalted: Essence: Essence wallpaper
- Exalted: Essence: Essence Screen and Booklet
- Exalted: Essence: Novella 2: Scoundrelsong
- At Press: The final product is being sent to printers or being prepped for digital release.
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure!: Printing.
- Trinity Continuum: Adventure!: Adventure! Screen and Booklet: Printer quoting.
- Trinity Continuum: Assassins: Jumpstart VTT Adventure: Advance PDF on sale!
- Trinity Continuum: Anima: Errata incorporation this week so we can get the index going.
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Apocalyptic Record: Interior and endpages done… working on Ltd cover.
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Apocalyptic Record Screen and Booklet: Printer quoting.
- Mage: The Ascension: Lore of the Traditions: Errata phase done… now begins errata incorporation and page XXs. Also working on the printer quote from the Ltd version.
- Exalted: Crucible of Legends: Should be doing errata incorporation this week.
- Exalted: Essence: Quoting with printers.
- Exalted: Essence: Streaming Overlays: Going out to backers.
- Mage: The Awakening: Tome of the Pentacle: PDF and PoD versions on sale Weds on DTRPG!
- Legendlore: Legacies of the Earth: PoD files uploaded.