Ron Spencer Sketch for the Children of Gaia

Just in time for the weekend, here’s a sketch for the Children of Gaia full-page piece by Ron Spencer. When Ethan and I discussed this originally, the idea of a CoG who would tear apart a group of enemies in order to allow life to grow seemed a pretty strong one, and I really like how Ron put this together to show that aftermath of brutality for a cause that is so WtA.



21 thoughts on “Ron Spencer Sketch for the Children of Gaia”

  1. i really like how it shows a Gaian who has battled enemies and saved life. Will there be more ways to make it easier to identify her a CoG though?

    I have nothing against it, it is a very powerful image, but I feel it lack identity as pertaining to the tribe. It could be any Garou doing that.

    • There’s the glyph tattoo on the forearm (though it looks reversed; perhaps the image is flopped?); that might be easier to see in the final when it’s filled in.

    • I’m not really worried about instant IDing here. That a Garou has this experience, that such a thing is part of who they are is more the focus for me than nailing the Tribe immediately. Now how much more poignant this is when the “peacemaker” Tribe is the one involved with this scene.

      I think we should check that Ron didn’t accidentally flip the tat, because this is how it came to me, and I like the composition as is.

  2. It feels like this is a crop from a larger piece–like there was originally more to the sides and top of this, but it’s been cut down. I know that this makes the plant more of the primary focus, which is great for the storytelling part of the image, but if the focus should be on the Garou, should she be brought down a little bit in the image? Right now it just feels a little too top-heavy to me for some reason.

    She’s got an awfully large bust there, especially in Glabro. Might they be too big? (I know, heresy, right?)

    Also, her expression… she looks kinda pissed at that plant, or at least kind of “Really? All of this for just that?!”. With a slight change of the eyebrows, should she have more of a look of hope, or “I hope it was all worth it.” Then again, doing so might take the edge off of the “having just kicked some SERIOUS ASS” look after a fight too, so it may be a bit of a trade-off. The intent is to create “The Child of Gaia doesn’t look happy about what she’s done, but she’s done it all the same: we see her as someone that believes in nurturing and someday healing the world, but who has to kill in order to protect.” A slight change of the eyebrows could give that “glimpse of hope” rather than the “I’m still ragey after the fight” look I am taking from this.

    • I think it has to do with the picture being centred on the character and the plant instead of the more commonly used 1-3-5 ratio.

      Either way the picture looks very nice, Except for the tattoo which may need a bit more highlight to bring it more visible.

  3. What I’m about to say has already been commented on but in summery I think this; there is really noting practically CoG about this. What we see here, a Gaian Garou risking her life to save life really embodies the Garou society as a whole not just the CoG. And what Torakhan said, she looks pissed at the plant. Wouldn’t it be better if she looked satisfied or glad that she succeeded?

    And Mr Spencer, sir. A comment on this and future drawings, I know it’s WtA and it’s war, rage and blood and all that but does every werewolf need make an expression and look like someone shoved a broom up their ass?

  4. I really like this a lot. It’s very powerful. It looks like her back was splashed with acid or something. And she even has some hair on her arm! I think the tattoo will be enough to identify tribe once it’s colored in.

    The two things I would prefer changed are her legs and shoulder not being hairless/shaved, and her expression being a little different. I’m not sure what her expression should be, though. She does look angry at the plant. I’m sure her Rage is still seething since she just fought some fomori or whatever those were. Maybe if her eyes were pointed towards one of the dead bodies, though then that takes focus off the plant. Hmmm. I admit I am no artist here. Maybe an “I hope it was worth it.” expression could work. Or she could look strait at the viewer, as though challenging anybody else who would threaten Gaia.

  5. I like that even though you can see whatever she fought were some kind of vile, disgusting cyborgs? or armed with tubes of some toxic goo, no blood or poison actually got on that little circle of ground around the plant. Like in the midst of how messed up the WoD is, she managed to save one piece of truly clean land, even if just a square foot.

  6. I agree with the others that the expression isn’t quite right. The battle is over, she’s looking at new hope now. I realize the urge is to move away from the stereotype of the CoGs as serene and peaceful, but I think the carnage around her and her own wounds tell the story of her rage well enough that her expression can be one of newfound peace without weakening the point.

    • …especially if her claws are properly bloodied. Basically, it’s entirely possible to convey that she was a furious whirlwind of claws and hate a minute ago, without her looking like she is right now.

      • I agree with this 100%

        Its beautiful, but giving her a look of serenity or triumph would basically make this thing badass

  7. I would also prefer a more “peaceful” expression in her face. She already has shown, that she is able too rip the hearts of Gaias enemies out, and now the battle is over and new hope can grow. But I think, that her face might look different, when it is colored.

  8. Coming from a Gaian *adorer*, I have to say that I love this piece. The fact she’s looking at the plant is perfect. She’s working to come out of rage, and you need something peaceful for that. Gaians don’t exactly focus in the whole rage department, after all, so when they lose it, it only makes sense that they *really* lose it, and coming back out of it is more difficult for them than it would be others. The necessity of the plant, then, to come out of it, is perfect, and the picture of rage still etched in her face after a job done is perfect.

    The chest is big, yes, but eh. All in all, I love this piece. In a world where the Gaians have been posted in an out and hardly Garou due to their peaceful natures, seeing one in this situation makes me happy. Very happy.


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