Scion: God 2nd Edition BackerKit is Live!

Scion: God brings Scion stories to their latest chapter with all-new rules for players and guidance for Storyguides. This builds on the journey begun in Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero and continued through Scion: Demigod. Gods face the impossible balance between a desire to interfere with The World and their duty to protect the Overworlds. It presents all the rules and lore Storyguides and players need to craft the thrilling climaxes of their Scion chronicles.

Scion: God elevates Scions to true Godhood, granting them a new perspective on The World’s treasures and troubles. On the one hand, becoming a God represents a character ascending to lofty heights of cosmic power and influence, able to shake the firmament with their word and will. On the other hand, Gods feel the grip of Fate more tightly, and many act in The World only subtly to prevent themselves from becoming bound in chains of myth.

The primary purpose behind this crowdfunding campaign is to enable Onyx Path to create a hardcover edition of the Scion: God book compatible with the Scion Second Edition core rulebooks (Origin, Hero, and Demigod). Your support will allow Onyx Path to produce a fully-developed PDF and hardcover edition for this setting. With your help we hope to not only deliver a beautiful book to all of our backers, but also fund at least one print run to be sold through distribution and into book and hobby stores that are so vital to our community.

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