Each week during September, DriveThruRPG is offering themed sales. This week: Power up into action with supers RPGs!
That means most of the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant game line (including Aberrant 1e) is available for 25% off!

“Novas routinely and cavalierly seem to ignore things like the conservation of mass and energy, the laws of motion, the square-cube law, and many other guidelines used to bring predictability to a chaotic cosmos. For all the talk of ‘quantum entanglement’ and ‘fundamental forces,’ one might as well say that novas are, for all intents and purposes, using magic — or selectively editing reality to conform to their wishes.”
— From Gods Among Us: Novas and the Future of Humanity
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant is a game of superpowered adventure in the near-future of the Trinity Continuum. In 2018, novas — people with superhuman powers — first appeared following the explosion of a space station high above Earth. Now, 10 years later, thousands of novas have transformed the world, using their extraordinary powers to fight crime, clean up the environment, invent new technologies, and create wonders. The presence of novas has also caused problems, and some fear the powerful individuals — first called “aberrants” — due to their unpredictable powers and impact they have on the world around them. Still, love them or hate them, people can’t get enough of novas, and being one is a ticket to instant celebrity, fame, and fortune.
Some highlights of Trinity Continuum: Aberrantinclude:
- Details on the super-powered novas and how they fit into the Trinity Continuum
- Updated Storypath rules and character creation information for novas
- Dozens of character biographies to quickly populate the world of 2028
- Storyguide advice on how to run Aberrant in a wide variety of tones and sub-genres