Sick Monster

Meeting Notes

  • Rich is feeling pretty crappy today, so we kept the meeting short so he could get back to bed and keep sleeping it off.
  • We talk a little about wrapping up season one of our online V20 game, and how long it’s been since either of us has played Masquerade tabletop regularly.
  • V20 Companion full page pieces are slowly trickling in, but it should be ready for layout next week.
  • Pulling together elements for Victorian Lost.
  • Ethan’s still commenting on drafts for W20.
  • Blood Sorcery first draft is in.
  • We discuss the upcoming schedule a bit.

Today’s Reason to Drink: On March 12th, 538, Vitiges ended his siege of Rome, leaving the city in the hands of the Roman general Belisarius.

6 thoughts on “Sick Monster”

  1. Any updates you can provide on Geist 1.1? I received another updated file link in my account on DriveThruRPG, but it was corrupted just like the file that was apparently added in error last week.

  2. I assume from it not being mentioned that the Werewolf Translation Guide is done and just waiting to be released now? Which would be awesome!

    • And very very hopeful. I mean, it is due to come out, but I think they’d say something along the lines of ‘prepping to launch’. Just saying.

  3. I concur with Ted’s comment. Any news on Geist 1.1? I got loads of ideas for the local university gaming club (running Geist with MET rules as a tabletop with story focused on player created Krewe so student attendance & player limit are no longer a factor).

    AKA: I am excited.


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