It’s Sunday, and so you, faithful readers, are again faced with a decision regarding what aspect of Promethean you want to hear about come Tuesday morning.
I’ve given the choice several times as “Refinements or [something else],” and while the vote is always close, “something else” always gets picked. As I was typing up notes for my Promethean chronicle (starting up again tomorrow after a long hiatus, just in time to playtest 2nd Edition), I was thinking about Refinements for some NPCs and how their Pilgrimages might have progressed. One of said NPCs was Legion (who shows in Saturnine Night and then in my chronicles as a supporting character in a Mage game). If Legion started on Stannum, what has he learned in the interim? Is he on Aurum, trying to learn about people and how they tick? Or is the memory of what his creators did to him still a little too fresh? Has he studied Mercurius, given his penchant for all things electrical, perhaps with an eye toward bioelectricity and how living things use electrical impulses to transmit neural data? If he were a player’s character, this would happen in play, but given that he’s not, I get to make it up.
In the end I decided he’d switched to Aes; he’s got a throng now (he didn’t before), and his ongoing themes of finding a place in the world, plus his rather unorthodox form (he’s a man-shaped blob of nanite-filled goo) led me to think he’d be a fun bodyguard for the other Storyteller Prometheans for this story. The actual play thread is here if you want to check it out; it’s possible I might let some 2nd Ed stuff slip.
But in any case! What shall I talk about on Tuesday? Would you prefer basic or complex Refinements?
If by basic Refinements you mean the ones from the 1ed Core I vote for them, otherwise I don’t know what you mean.
Basic for now. The more advanced ones can be saved for later.
I see you’re super eager for refinements XD. I vote for basic refinements!
I’m curious by the distinction of Complex Refinements so I’m going to vote for them.
Let’s go with basic for now.
Let’s hear about the complex Refinements. I’m interested to hear more about Phosphorum and hoping to get turned around on Aes a bit.
Whichever one covers Bestowments and how they’ve changed, if they’ve changed at all. Of course, now my interested is piqued, and I want to know of what you refer to as Aes or Phosphorus.
Bestowmentss are a Lineage thing still, if I am not horribly mistaken
Neither covers Bestowments; those key off Lineage. 🙂 But since both Aes and Phosphorum are complex, I’ll count your vote there.
Complex please! I want to wowed and overwhelmed.
I don’t have enough information to vote on this. I’ll take Complex.
Let’s get Complex!
Basic…I guess.
I vote for whichever covers the Refinement of Phosphorum.
I’m voting complex out of hopes of learning about Phosphorum!
Basic: need to get that sorted before we start looking at complex.
I vote for Complex Refinement
Basic, plus an explanation of what the division looks like in-setting. We’re talking about religious-level “ways of being”, ways of being “human” for creatures with only an outsider view of the species.
Ways of BECOMING human is probably more accurate. Only Mimics (Aurum) are actively trying to BE human, despite their current state.
Basic for me. I want the lay of the land.
Speaking of Aes, is it fair to guess that Benefice will be eating Consortium?
That’s a fantastic idea! That’ll give Benefice a much needed bit of oomph.
I’ll vote for complex refinements, please
I would really like to see complex refinements, they seem like they would be the more interesting choice.
I’m interested in what the difference is, though.
Complex should be fun.
Complex Refinements, I want to see what the fuss is all about Phosphorum. 😉
My vote is going toward complex, as it seems like it will be the more interesting choice.
I’m also interested to see what the difference is, if there really is much of a difference.
complex please
Complex. Well… Actually I want to hear about (Pseudo?)Refinement of Flux. Is it more basic or complex?
well its really a lack of refinement so i would think nether.
as much as i want complex, give me the classics.
Whichever covers the refinement of Flux
Neither. That’s an antagonist thing.
I’m in favor of beginning with the basics, so long as the principle of complex refinements comes out in the discussion(Not the details, just the overview).
That’s my vote too. The difference between the types interests me more than any specific Refinement, so, yeah, Basic with a seasoning of what complex means in this context.
Complex, please.
I don’t really understand either so i’m indifferent on this one. I never really understood refinements.
Basic Refinements first, please.
I’ll vote for basic refinements.
Both! As that’s probably not a viable choice then basic with an overview of what makes one Refinement basic and the other complex
basic refinements. I’d like to be able to wrap my head around the basics of the pilgrimage before marching straight into esoterica.
Complex! I want to see this new Phosphorous and any changes you may have made to Stannum and Cobalus, plus any thoughts on the Refinement of Quicksilver in non-crossover chronicles.
“plus any thoughts on the Refinement of Quicksilver in non-crossover chronicles.”
I think you mean the Refinement of Silver (as that is the crossovery one). The Refinement of Quicksilver (aka Mercury) is Mercurius, which is concerned with the exploration of Pyros itself, and is a Basic Refinement (assuming “basic refinement” are the five from the original core).
Complex please!
Basic refinements, please.