6 thoughts on “Superhero Sale!”

  1. Is Abbarant scanned like the preview? I remember you guys telling the fans in the Gencon podcasts that everything you guys have is original electronic files.

    • If the sidebar says “scanned image,” that’s what it is.

      I don’t recall anything out of GenCon saying all our stuff was original electronic files. A lot of it is, but a lot of it isn’t. We’re converting what we can.

  2. http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/507/Trilogy-of-the-Fallen-Book-1%3A-Ashes-and-Angel-Wings?it=1

    Trilogy of the Fallen Book 1: Ashes and Angel Wings says it is a scanned image but after purchasing it, it is clearly an original electronic file. There is a reason why I ask.

    I don’t remember which podcast it was in, but I remember them saying that they all are original electronic format and one of the fans countered with the Guide to the Camarilla being a scanned document. Eddy Web (I think, not sure since I cannot find it yet) mentioned that the website is sometimes behind in their description but you can tell through the Full-size Preview.

    I figured it was worth asking. I would definitely buy it were it not a scan (making it worth facing the wrath of my wife for spending money).

    • Sometimes whoever uploads/updates the files forgets to change it, yes. Generally, whatever it says in the sidebar is accurate, but double-checking the preview will show for sure.

      When we prepare files for Print, we get an original electronic file (OEF) whenever possible, but it’s not always possible. Dark Ages: Vampire is a high-quality scan, for example.

      Aberrant is currently a scan, as the sidebar and preview indicate. However, when you buy a book on DriveThruRPG, you buy it forever. If the file is ever updated in the future (to a better scan or OEF) then you’ll be able to get that new file for free.


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