Stretchy Goals

Edit: I updated the recipe below.

Wow. It’s been a long time. I can only apologise; I’ve been a little overwhelmed with projects, including Blood & Smoke for Vampire: The Requiem, a story for When Will You Rage 2, and a whole bunch of other stuff. That’s no excuse for not posting here, though.

So what’s been going on? Rich is waiting on the third round of W20 PoD proofs from DriveThru, and is getting the interior of the Deluxe W20 to match his color notes. Both the Deluxe and Heavy Metal covers are being prepped for proofing. As always, the best place to look for Deluxe W20 info is the Kickstarter update page.

In case you haven’t seen, we’ve launched the Kickstarter for the Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition. It hit its goal in 18 minutes, which is just insane. Naturally, it’s racking up the stretch goals.

Speaking of stretch goals, I’ve not forgotten the W20 stretch goals. We’ve got the first drafts of White Howlers coming in soon, and I’ll be sure to get some great excerpts up here for you. I do want to get a bit more of a conversation going about what’s in the book, but I’d much rather the writers do their thing without me constantly leaning over their shoulder. Hopefully, I’ll be able to bring a bit more of a dialogue here with White Howlers.

But what about the W20 Cookbook? Glad you asked! Below the cut is the introduction and recipe for the Bone Gnawers, ripped right from my current draft.

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