The Next Adventure Design Jam!

Calling all Canis Minor and Storypath Nexus content creators!

DriveThruRPG has started their latest design jam, The Next Adventure. (Follow that link for details.)

In brief, your mission: create a new adventure that follows up as a direct sequel to one of our published jumpstarts, picking up where the jumpstart leaves off. You must have your adventure submitted by the end of September.

Eligible Jumpstarts:

Start here (other art packs and templates may also be available, these are just a couple to get you started):

1 thought on “The Next Adventure Design Jam!”

  1. We created an adventure for this game jam! Thanks for allowing community content creators to participate. 🙂 “Dreams in the Underneath” is the name of our adventure. It can work as the second Pugmire: Squeaks in the Deep adventure to follow up the “Connection Lost” jumpstart. It was created as a collaboration between Saves and Sorcery & Suany’s Dragon Den.


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