And here we are in October already!
Now, a lot of folks who create and/or enjoy horror and the macabre like to dedicate October to their frightening creations. Makes sense!
We’re not immune to that same impulse, but in typical Onyx Path fashion, we’re putting a spin on it by making this October They Came From month as part of our year-long 10th Anniversary Celebration!
If you aren’t aware, They Came From covers one of our newest game lines, the series that started with They Came From Beneath the Sea!, followed triumphantly by They Came From Beyond the Grave!, and then we’re working on They Came From [CLASSIFIED]! and They Came From the Cyclopes’s Cave!, which had a very successful double-feature crowd-funding campaign.
There are also a large number of support projects like They Came From Camp Murder Lake!, or They Came From the Danger Zone!, and monster and scenario books as well!
All of these projects are capable of being straight genre emulators, and then on top of that we’ve included rules to enable players to reaaallly embrace the conventions and tropes of the genre. Ramshackle sets, nonsensical dialogue, stereotypical characters – these all can be made as important as your gaming table wants them to be.
On top of all that, all of the character types from the various games are interchangeable with all the other games – so a swingin’ secret agent from They Came From [CLASSIFIED]! could be brought into They Came From Beyond the Grave! to investigate the strange goings-on at Frankenstein’s castle in the modern era – only to travel back in time to the 1800s and see how their wisecracks work there! Flashback to a past life? Time machine? Either is possible, it’s your story!
If you want more detailed info, the gang over at the Onyx Pathcast are airing the panel this Friday recorded earlier this year at Virtual Horror Con where they go through all the They Came From lines and most of the projects connected to them – I say most only because I didn’t sit there and check each one off as it was mentioned, and I wouldn’t want to lead you astray. This is, of course, only the beginning of the Pathcast‘s coverage this month.

As we have all year, we’re running 90% off sales on select projects through this month for our 10th Anniversary Celebration. For the next two weeks, They Came From Beneath the Sea! PDFs are discounted to 10% of their usual prices! Our friends at IPR are doing a similar sale with 50% off on They Came From physical products on their site, too – see the links below in our Sales Partners section!
All last month, I copy and pasted Eddy Webb’s posts about the origins of Pugmire, so it is only fair that I do the same with the posts They Came From creator Matthew Dawkins put up today detailing the impetus for They Came From:
It’s They Came From sale month over on @DriveThruRPG!, so every few days I’ll tell another story about They Came From’s development. Some you’ll know, some you won’t. The first is that They Came From started off (conceptually) as a very dry, military operation style game.
You would play aquanauts handling alien incursions from the deep and plunging into the depths to take out alien colonies, while the surface world was riven into pieces by mega corporations and PMCs.
It wasn’t an innovative concept and the system I used in those first playtests was dryyyy. Ammo counting, equipment being more important than characters, and mandatory encumbrance rules. Terrible ideas.
Simultaneously I was running a version of All Flesh Must be Eaten based on Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace, where characters gained bonuses to their rolls if they uttered character lines that were recorded on their sheets.
Simultaneously simultaneously (because I run a lot of games) I was running DC Heroes (the original) and had printed out ZAP! POW! and KAPOW! cards for players to use during combats for modifiers and such.
Somehow, all these ideas came together, centering on my love of b-movies of the sci-fi and horror variety. They Came from Beneath the Sea! was a confluence of my love of maritime horror, alien invasions, quips, cinematic effects, and MST3K style riffing.
They Came From of course has now spawned several core books, from Beneath the Sea and Beyond the Grave to CLASSIFIED and Cyclops’s Cave. Where will we go next?
Well, Matthew, I can tell you one place that our amazing community can go, and that’s over to the Storypath Nexus on October 19th when we’ll be unlocking They Came From Beyond the Grave! and They Came From Camp Murder Lake! for Community Content creators!
We know that a couple of high-quality content creators have already announced plans to put their They Came From Beyond the Grave! projects up there, and you too can jump in and get a scenario, an adventure, a sourcebook (if you’re ambitious), whatever, ready for going live on the 19th. We continue to have a blast working on They Came From projects, and now you can too!

Not They Came From But Still Kinda Good Stuff
Eddy, Dixie, and myself are going to be physically attending the Save Against Fear (SAFe) convention this weekend in center-ish Pennsylvania, and we’d love to see you if you’re able to attend. It’s kind of a big thing for us to be going to physical con again, and we hope it’s a step in the right direction.
Let me just underline that: it’s us testing the waters to see if we can and should ramp up our attendance at physical cons, so please don’t expect that we’ll be out in force at any cons this year. Next year? Well, that’s why we’re trying things out with SAFe. We all feel super-safe there as the Bodhana Group‘s team are extremely aware of the challenges of running a physical convention in today’s environment and are running the con accordingly.
Not only are we running a sale on They Came From Beneath the Sea! on DTRPG, but they are themselves running an October Creature Feature Sale for our Werewolf (Apocalypse and Forsaken) PDFs! Awoooo, werewolves of DriveThru!
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that the sign-up site for our BackerKit Campaign for Scion: God is live and the link is right below in the Kickstarter/Crowdfunding section!! There are well over 700 folks signed up for info and alerts already, and we’d love to have you join them! It’s a great way to be sure you’ll be reminded when the campaign goes live later this month!

Finally, this month is also the month that artists around the world create an ink drawing each day, all month. I’ve done it for 4 or 5 years now, and it’s quite a marathon! Usually, I draw things and characters from my Crossroads Continent campaign world, but this year I’ve switched that up.
Instead I’m creating art that will function as concept pieces for a new game line we’re working on. No, I’m not saying which as yet – we have a whole month to reveal that. If I do, after all. I wanted to share one today, because, like I mentioned, these are really concept art right now, and so they can be used to fine-tune the writers’ and developers’ ideas. As I do these pieces, I have to take their written words and interpret them, and sometimes that gives us a chance to fine-tune a setting element.
In this case:

I wanted to know about two things that weren’t clear to me in reading the descriptions (yes, I have several this time around – you’ll understand when the book comes out): how many spider-like legs, and could individuals have different features? Like, the heads up there are for two different warriors – is that cool, writing-type folks? The answers were essentially the same: yes, it’d be cool if the number of arms. legs, eyes, etc, were variable. Nice, and it fits into the setting.
So there’s a win for the concept art process, and I’ve already added two more legs to the original piece. You can see a new one of these every day this month on my FB and Twitter feeds (and I think the Onyx Path Twitter account, too). If we get another discussion going on about the setting based on these, I’ll give you folks a look at that here, too!
Still loving making the drawrings, even after:

Coming next on BackerKit crowdfunding… Scion: God!
Join over 700 other folks and sign up to be notified before the Scion: God Backer Kit crowdfunding campaign starts!
Onyx Path Media!

This week:
At Virtual Horror Con we did a tour of the (at the time) released They Came From games, so we’re making it available to Pathcast listeners to celebrate They Came From month!
As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
Onyx Path Media now has its own blog on Tuesdays! We’ll continue posting our highlight of the week here, but Tuesday will be the day to visit if you want to catch up on actual plays, interviews, deep dives, and other assorted Onyx Path media!
Please check out our attached media schedule for the impressive number of videos on our Twitch channel this week! In particular, keep those eyes open for our Storypath Showcase, where we give an excellent profile of our various Storypath games and how to play them!

The OpCast delves into the worlds of the Trinity Continuum, with the two most recent episodes diving into the Core and Prometheus Unbound:

The Onyx Path News goes live every single week to discuss recent and upcoming releases, dive into some of our most anticipated books, and answer questions from the audience. You can find it on our YouTube channel (click the bell to be informed when we go live!) but if you missed the last episode, here it is: https://youtu.be/0hHU9QptKzM
Virtual Tabletop!

The Scion: Origin Compendium is now available on Roll20!
It’s native to Roll20, so not for use elsewhere, but perfect for starting your Roll20 Scion game – plus, the official Origin & Hero sheets are already available!
And the first of our official sheets designed for Roll20 are now available!

The first of our official sheets designed for Foundry VTTis now available!
Direct Link: https://foundryvtt.com
As they say: “Foundry Virtual Tabletop is a self-hosted roleplaying platform with support for hundreds of game systems with modern features and a developer-friendly API. Foundry VTT is a one-time purchase where your players connect for free using a web browser.”

More VTT offerings and projects will be arriving this year!
On DrivethruRPG, here is the main filter for all of our current VTT content:
A few highlights of our platform agnostic DTRPG content:
Our Sales Partners!

We’re working with Studio2 to provide our traditionally printed books out into your local game stores. Game stores can order via their usual distributors, and can also contact Studio2 directly. And individuals can check out our projects via the links below!

Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books, dice, and screens? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
They Came From Beneath the Sea! book and screen 50% off for OPP 10 Year Anniversary at IPR.
As well as the annual Halfoween Sale (50% Off select books and screens) at IPR.

As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles in PDF and PoD versions at DriveThruRPG.com!
TCFBtS! PDFs 90% off until the 15th.
These will be available until the 15th, when a new set of various PDFs will go on sale to celebrate They Came From!
The Creature Feature Sale is up and running now! 33% Off most
of our WtF and WtA PDFs:
Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).

Check out the Trinity Continuum: Aeon novellas Dawn and Meridian in the Kindle store!
On Sale This Week!

For every Scion player! The Scion Player’s Guide: Saints and Monsters is a tome filled with new lore and options for your characters! PDF and PoD versions available this Weds on DTRPG!
It contains:
- Two new Callings: Outsider and Shepherd
- Expanded Rules for playing Saints, Prophets, and Denizens
- Full rules for playing Sorcerers and Titanic Scions
- Edges, a new character creation system, and new takes on the Storypath system
Because dates for physical conventions are subject to change due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we don’t yet have a list of upcoming physical conventions. Instead, keep an eye out here for more virtual conventions we’re going to be involved with!
Game Night With Onyx Path Publishing at Start.Playing is the last Friday of the month! Our special focus is the They Came From! (But any of our game lines are welcome!)
Please spread the word about GMing games as much as
possible. Details on how list a game are at the bottom of the page in
the FAQ:
Our friends at The Bodhana Group return to the physical convention space at the Heritage Hills Resort in York, PA on Oct 6 – 9 with this year’s Save Against Fear Convention:
As always there will be lots and lots of games being played, vendor booths, virtual gaming, and many panels – including some that RichT, Dixie, and Eddy Webb will be sitting on!
One of the things that makes this convention different is that it is run by and helps finance The Bodhana Group‘s
efforts towards using tabletop gaming as a tool for therapy. They even
have a separate track of panels and workshops for therapists and
facilitators that runs before the rest of the con!
And now, the new project status updates!
Our full list of projects will be available monthly on our blog! Check out September’s full list report here:
Here are the projects that moved to the next stage of production:
Final Draft
Storypath Fantasy – The World Below
- Matthew: I don’t want to reveal too much at this early stage, other than to say HOORAH and admire the wonderful works of my fantastic team on this game. Kaos abounds…
Trinity Continuum – Assassins VTT Adventure
- Eddy: Sneaking into the editing queue, this TC: Assassins adventure specifically for virtual tabletops is moving along!
They Came from Camp Murder Lake! – VTT Adventure
- Matthew: Can James Brown be edited? We shall soon find out. OW!
They Came From – They Came from the Danger Zone!
- Matthew: More 1980s have been injected into the mainline of this game. Expect cocaine, mullets, hairspray, and speedboats.
Post-Editing Development
Scion – Scion: Dragon Jumpstart
- Matthew: Back in Lauren’s capable hands to make the final tweaks before we start getting arty!
In Art Direction
- SCION God 2e – Continue working on graphics for the (Backer Kit) funding page.
In Layout
- Squeaks Jumpstart – Working on it… gonna get it into proofing by end of the week.
- Scion: Masks of the Mythos Screen
- Scion: Dragon Screen
- Victorian Mage – M20 Victorian Mage – At Paradox for approval.
- TC Proteus Nova Compendium – Reviewing color artwork
At Press
- Scion Demigod – KS rewards shipping out.
- Scion Demigod Screen – KS rewards shipping out.
- Squeaks in the Deep Screen – At KS shipper prepping for ship out.
- Squeaks in the Deep – At KS shipper prepping for ship out.
- Squeaks in the Deep Bookmarks – At KS shipper prepping for ship out.
- Scarred Lands: Dead Man’s Rust – At KS shipper prepping for ship out.
- Scion Masks of Mythos – Files sent to traditional printer.
- Scion Dragon – Files sent to traditional printer.
- M20 Sorcerer – Awaiting PoD proof.
- MTC Book of Lasting Death – PoD proof ordered.
- TCFBtG! – CC files prepping.
- CtL 2e Kith and Kin – Awaiting errata.
- TC: Mission Statements – Awaiting errata.
- Scion Players Guide: Saints and Monsters – On sale in PDF and PoD formats this Weds on DTRPG!
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Wednesday, October 5th is the 15th Anniversary of the day I hired three new developers to the staff at the original White Wolf: Eddy Webb, Rose Bailey, and our old buddy Joe Carriker! They were a super influx of new creative talent and ideas that was greatly appreciated then, and even cooler – they’re all three still creating and putting out all sorts of fantastic projects today!
Does the new Scion Roll20 material mean we might see official sheets or other material for Chronicles of Darkness as well?
No idea – that’s something Paradox would have to work out with Roll20, or give us the OK to do – which they have not.
I’m looking at starting a deviant game soon, and was wondering if I should wait for the next two supplements to release. Do you have a rough (and in no way binding) ETA on those books?
No, we won’t be providing any kind of rough ETA I’m afraid! You won’t need them to play and enjoy Deviant though. They’re supplementary material.
As a heads up, the Onyx Path Game Night page on Start Playing Games is still showing last month and isn’t available to register new games for at the moment.
Thanks- passed it on-
Hi Rich, So with Scion God being funded via Backerkit, I am curious will the funds be taken up front like indiegogo or at the end of the campaign like kickstarter? I ask because I want to set aside funds.
I believe it’s similar to Kickstarter – funds are collected at the end of the campaign, if the funding target has been met.
charged at end.
Here’s the FAQ (from any given project)
When will I be charged for my pledge?
Your payment method will not be charged right away. You will be charged for the amount of your pledge when the campaign ends and the project reaches its funding goal. You will not be charged if the campaign does not reach its funding goal.
How does BackerKit crowdfunding work?
Crowdfunding is a collaborative way to bring ideas and projects to life. Project creators post their idea for a project, and backers pledge money to make the project possible. Backers get behind the scenes access and backer-only rewards, which can include exclusive products, special pricing, creative input, content, and more.
To become a backer, select a pledge level that features the reward(s) you would like to receive when the project is successfully completed and make your contribution.
All-or-nothing crowdfunding model: The creator sets a funding goal and a deadline to raise funds. If the project does not meet the goal by the deadline, backers credit cards are not charged and no money changes hands.
Crowdfunding projects can happen at various stages of the creative process. Make sure to check the estimated timeline of when rewards will be delivered. Project creators will keep you updated on the progress toward completion and delivery of your rewards.
Backing a crowdfunding campaign is not the same as purchasing an item from a store. When you back a campaign you are supporting the creation of something new. Rewards are almost always delivered, but are not guaranteed.
Can I add add-ons in BackerKit?
Want to add add-ons now? Great! You can increase the amount of your pledge by the amount of the add-ons you wish to add in the pledge confirmation screen if you want to account for the funds now, or you can wait to add them and be charged later in the pledge manager after the campaign is over.
What happens after the campaign is over?
The Creator will send out a survey that will ask you for more information about your pledge, your shipping information, additional items you may want to add to your pledge, and collect shipping fees if applicable.
The survey will be sent to the email address we have on file with your pledge.
Any additional payment will be charged when you complete your survey and confirm your order.
Thank you for the clarification. 🙂
So just doing the math here, it looks like next month will be Trinity and that leaves the last month open unless I am missing a system. Does that mean we get a chance to pick up the sales we missed because I was on vacation during some COD books and very much regret missing them.
We left no open months, but whether we might do a very limited duration sale reprise is something we’ve discussed. Keep an eye on these notes for any announcement if it winds up happening!
Ooh, I am jittery with antici…
It’s one of the master’s affairs…
Hey Rich, So with Paradox releasing their updated Werewolf tribes, I am curious will Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Apocalyptic Record show the transition from 20th to W5 similar to what Beckett’s Jyhad Diary did for V5?
The manuscript will be remaining largely as it was during the Kickstarter, plus and minus some tweaks. W5 isn’t a continuation of prior editions of Werewolf: The Apocalypse so much as it’s a soft reboot / reimagining of the game according to Paradox’s website, so there doesn’t need to be any connectivity between it and Apocalyptic Record.
Thank you for the clarification Matt. 🙂
Happy Anniversary.