[Trinity Continuum: Aether] Athernaut Collection preview

Here’s a preview for an upcoming supplement for Trinity Continuum: Aether, entitled Aether: Aethernaut Collection!

Luck Gifts

Squires have access to these Gifts:

Aether Resistant

Keywords: Luck, Constant

The scientist fired a dart of greenish energy at Alice, sending her flying into the laboratory cabinets. Giggling with cruel glee, he moved closer to check on her.

“See, I warned you not to mess with me. Too bad it’s too late for you to learn the lesson. Now, I’m free to—”

A quick slash stopped the Gog mid-sentence. The vorpal sword gleamed red, a pair of severed hands on the floor. A shocked scream turned into a question: “…how?!”

Alice took out her handkerchief and cleaned the blade. “Please. I’m no stranger to mad craftsmen of all sorts, nor to their creations.”

System: Ignore the first Injury Condition inflicted upon you by any Aether-enhanced damage source in a scene and receive 2 Enhancement to all rolls to avoid Status Conditions caused by an Aether-fueled source. This includes attacks enhanced by Aetheric Gifts such as a Magog’s monstrous might, along with everything from alternate dimensions or timelines, but not mundane hazards such as fists or ordinary bullets from your home reality.

Tethered Dreams

Keywords: Luck, Momentary

“This is a nightmare.” Pauline looked around, gazing at the landscape. Beneath them, the Clockwork Armies of the Zephyr Duchies marched against the Legion of Rot and Bones. “Carnelian Castle is doomed. There’s nothing we can do.”

Alice peered at the battle, a dour look on her face. “We must return. Warn the others.”

She chuckled, a sudden response born from her desperation. “How? We’ll never get back to my Aether Gate. They—”

Alice stopped her, gently taking the Squire’s hands. “My friend. If there’s something I learned on my travels…” she said, hugging the Squire closer “…it’s that you can always go home.”

System: Once per session, spend a point of Inspiration to fade from the current reality and reappear in the previous one as close to the Aether Gate entrance as possible. The Squire always reappears, waking from dreaming sleep in the nearest unobserved safe location, bringing anything they’re holding on to at the time along. This Gift only pulls Aethernauts closer to their home dimension.

Attribute Gifts

Squires and Magogs have access to these Gifts.

Keen-Eyed Fortune

Keywords: Attribute (Wits), Constant

Hilda Serene looked around, staring at the deserted warehouse.

“Well, seems I’m late.” Everything the Consortium could carry away before she got here, they did. A safe hidden behind a locker was all Hilda could find, and she had no means to open it. “Too damn late!” Hilda struck her fist against the director’s desk in anger, forcing a secret compartment hidden underneath to open.

As she grabbed the dusty diary from within, the sheer luck of finding the safe’s combination written inside the cover brought Hilda some much-needed satisfaction. Not everything was lost, after all.

System: When spending clue-gathering successes on dramatic editing (Trinity Continuum Core, p. 83), the player only needs to spend two successes per Source point.

Observant Deduction

Keywords: Attribute (Intellect), Momentary

“I’ll eat a bag of nails if she doesn’t know more than she told us.” Hilda took some tobacco out of her case, offering it to her partner, who kindly refused.

“You’re quite correct, but also new in town. Take this name here.” Loveday pointed at one of the register’s entries. “This man used to be the unfortunate servant of Doctor Harlan Thorpe. Said doctor used to beat, demean, and abuse the poor fella until he got tired of it and served Thorpe a taste of his own medicine. Quite literally, in this case.”

“Got what he deserved,” chuckled Hilda.

Loveday stopped walking, and Hilda followed suit. “I agree, but now the doctor and another personality share his body, kidnapping people from dimly lit alleys to keep their experiments going.” A brief pause followed as Loveday took her conclusions. “I’m afraid this case just got a lot more complicated.”

System: Spend an Inspiration to activate this Gift. Once per scene, when totaling how many successes can be spent on Clue Information, (Trinity Continuum Core, p. 83), add your Intuitive Facet to the total.

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