Understanding Vampire Part 2: It Was Never Just A Game

Originally posted by Shane on the V20 Blog

Vampire has its seemed always been orchestrated in some ways similar to the acts in a play.  A first, second, and third act.  Much in the ways that the books have three chapters.  So on the eve of the beginning of the second act of the V20 process I thought I it would be interesting to take a moment and reflect on what we have experienced as a community and learned thus far.

I’m certain I speak for the entire V20 team when I say the reception up to this point has been nothing short of overwhelming.  Dare I even say unprecedented.  We knew this would be popular and that there were a number of lifelong die hard fans who would be ecstatic but I can say that the reaction we have experienced has eclipsed all predictions entirely.  Are we having that “lighting in a bottle” moment all over again?  I can’t say for certain, but I know the magic sure feels like it.  The tremendous levels of enthusiasm and love that people have shown for this has been unbelievably exhilarating and at the same time truly humbling.

In the 1990’s White Wolf made an amazing dark world for so many people to play in.  But in the process of making that world and the business of making books what I believe was overlooked was that we were not just building an amazing thing for people to play with but we created something that eclipsed the books unto which it came from.  Vampire wasn’t just about the game, it was about your imagination, the journey and finding a home so to speak.  We had “communities” long before that term became commonplace in gamer culture.  Vampire taught us to be the people we always dreamed we could be.  It taught so many of us to grow in a ways we wanted to but never thought we could.  It taught us about culture and music and fashion.  It introduced us to wonders of history, unknown exotic  places, strange captivating languages, and mysterious and alluring lifestyles.  It was in many ways a rite of passage to those of us who always lived with one foot in the shadows or outside the glass looking in.    Always seeking for more in life but never sure exactly where to look, or how to get there. Vampire gave us confidence, courage, the ability to talk to people, to pursue our dreams, chase our loves, and embrace our passions .  It taught us to hone our charisma, style, strength, and countless other things throughout the long night.  And all the while encouraging us to dance to our own drummer, that it was our choice to play hard and party harder and that regardes what we chose we would not be judged.  Vampire not only allowed, but encouraged us to be the punk, the poet and everything in between.  For so many of us it affected our lives, inspired our careers and has been a defining cornerstone that few if any “games” have ever been or will ever be.   But most importantly it’s given us friends and loved ones with whom so many of us cant imagine what our adult lives would be like without.

So I’ll close this with saying WE GET IT.  We understand why this is important and why people love this franchise.  White Wolf was not just making game books but making something that was real to people. Something that was and is important.  Something that has inspired real emotions, that did and still does profoundly affect lives of all of us that it has touched.

We’re  proud of that legacy and we embrace it.

Tomorrow (5.10.2011) Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition goes on-sale and takes one step closer to rising from torpor.

Thanks for keeping the faith

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