Update on Spreads

Originally posted by Eddy on the V20 Blog

Without exaggeration, I have had over a hundred comments on the bloodlines, ranging from the insightful to the insane, and I loved every one of them. Thank you guys so much for all of that.

In trying to go through all of it, I primarily focused on sorting out which bloodlines would make two-page spreads, because Rich needs that information as soon as possible to get to the artists. Here are the spreads I mentioned in my previous post:


  • Baali
  • Blood Brothers
  • Daughters of Cacophony
  • Gargoyle
  • Harbingers of Skulls
  • Kiasyd
  • Nagaraja
  • Old Clan Tzimisce (plus kolduns)
  • Salubri
  • Samedi
  • True Brujah
  • Arhimanes
  • Anda
  • Cappadocians
  • Lamia
  • Children of Osiris
  • Lhiannan
  • Noiad

Some people lobbied convincingly that Old Clan Tzimisce is really a variant of the Tzimisce, so I agreed and demoted them to a variant (quarter-box). Same with Kolduns, but they will reference a Koldunic sorcery discipline write-up.

Others asked about the Laibon, saying that it wasn’t as much of a retcon as the Gaki and Bushi were for Kindred of the East. I pulled out the Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom book, and the Laibon actually have nine sub-bloodlines (called “Legacies”), each with slightly different mechanics. So, while the only entirely new system for them was a new set of Virtues, I still think that the Laibon were sufficiently revamped in that book to be able to do them justice in the limited space I have. So they’re still out.

There are some discipline questions I still need to answer for these guys, but as far as which bloodlines are getting the two-page treatment, that’s the final list. Any new bloodlines I dig up that fit what I’m doing will fall under variants.

Please keep shooting me any bloodline variants you find. This crowdsourcing of the research has been immensely helpful!

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