W20 Update

In case you missed it in the Monday Meeting Notes, or indeed don’t read the Monday Meeting Notes, this little bit might be of interest (emphasis mine):

Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: Corrections [for the Deluxe edition —Stew] are with the printer. The W20 PoD proofs are great- we’re going to go live with this on DTRPG this week maybe even tomorrow.

I’m also looking over the PDF proof of Changing Breeds and it looks amazing. Got to get it marked up and checked over, but my first impression is wow!

6 thoughts on “W20 Update”

  1. Awesome! Though I would have preferred a Kickstarter campaign for Changing Breeds to get an advance and some goodies! I’m still happy to see it coming now!

    • Changing Breeds may will get a Kickstarter as well; this is the first layout proof where I go through and fix things like all the p. XX references. 🙂

      • While that’s good news, what does that mean for those of us waiting on our books? We looking at another month or two for those to get printed and shipped?

        Also any hope for a preview of the White Howler book? At the moment I’m particularly curious about the status of their Tribal Homeland back then as well as the Howler’s relationship with their tribal totem.

        • I don’t rightly know. Rich would be better placed to answer — he’s dealing with the production of the Deluxe Editions while I’m more focused on the new books.

          I’ll do my best to get some previews of the White Howlers book up soon; I’m looking forwards to seeing what people think of it!


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