When in doubt, blame Shane.


For example, I made this horrible photoshop mash-up of Eddy Webb and Jim Carrey in Black Swan make-up because Shane DeFreest of ByNightStudios used his vampire powers and made me do it. Blame Shane.

Or, as an another example, last Saturday night I was welcomed to a Live Action Roleplaying event about 20 minutes from my house and I had a great time talking with the gang there from Steel Valley By Night. Even though Onyx Path is focused on tabletop RPGs, such is my connection with the Live Action community after years of going to Grand Masquerades and Succubus Clubs put together by Shane, that I really had no problem infecting my hosts with excitement over all the stuff Onyx is up to. Hey guys? Blame Shane.

(Seriously, it was a cool venue and I had a great time learning more about One World By Night and the gang’s ongoing Exalted tabletop game that has been played continuously since first edition. Them buying me double Captain and Cokes didn’t hurt none neither.)

Also, Shane broke the faucet in the shower of my house in Atlanta when he lived in my spare room while we were both at CCP. So yeah- blame Shane for that!

But back to Eddy- now previously when he and I talked, there were CCP approval things I couldn’t post about here. There’s still a tad bit of that, but mostly we talked about how his job search is going. So I’m not gonna write about that until he has something he wants public. He did give me a further view on the several Live Action organizations and how they are all relating together while playing in various versions of WoD. All stuff I knew about, but in the ease of talking Saturday night, I got some human faces to put on the groups. And it was great to hear how excited folks are for all the new WW games we’re working on. Very heartening when sometimes all we hear is the negatives.

Eddy and I also chatted a bit about the Storium project which we’d backed on Kickstarter. I’m pretty interested in the many worlds they brought in as stretch goals (like 60 separate game settings- most brand new ideas), but as someone who wouldn’t necessarily play via text, I wondered if Eddy had more ideas of how Storium might be utilized for gaming. One thing he mentioned, which is a pretty limited taste of what it might do, is that he is involved in a group using the Storium set-up as a place to play through their “down-time” stories from their regular Chronicle. Which sounds pretty cool.

Finally, I mentioned that I’m reviewing a half-dozen game ideas from various folks including the Wraith 20th outline from Rich Dansky, so interesting times ahead.


Since Shane was a big part of the group that pushed for creating V20 a few ago, which led to Onyx Path, you can blame Shane for these :

– Mummy the Curse – Cursed Necropolis DC- Errata input and PoD version needs proofing before before making the on-sale PDF and PoD versions live on DTRPG.

– Book of the Deceived (MtC): Redlines.

– Exalted 3rd Edition:  From Holden: “The Craft Charms are in the home stretch, and should be done this week, completing the Solar Charm set at long last! (Barring playtest-based alterations, of course.) Elsewhere, panoply and Evocations are undergoing edits based on the final shape of the craft system”.

Sent the KS Survey out from Friday afternoon through until Sunday afternoon. For folks who don’t know, the way KS has things set up, each Reward Tier gets a separate Survey and every single question on that Survey must be recreated for every Reward Tier. It is a lot of cutting and pasting of questions into the Survey form- good thing I got used to that doing a lot of the graphic design for WW when we were putting out eight products a month.

Zub’s EX3 Comic: need PoD proof approved, and then versions ready to go up on DTRPG for sale. Both EX3 novels are being worked on, and I have a synopsis from Matt Forbeck to review. Starting to get one of the EX3 Music Suites to a finished state, the Dragon Blooded theme but our composer got caught in a time crunch with another project which is why we haven’t gotten much done lately.

– V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  US and most International missing packages have shipped. In daily communication with the European shipper on shipping and getting confirmation that they have started shipping to Europe.

– V20 Anarchs Unbound : Justin is reviewing comments from the backer PDF before we can create the final PDF, and PoD and Deluxe print files. One thing to point out to non-backers: the PDF also included an ePub version specifically designed to work on tablets and mobile devices- which is the first time we have tried to do this with a tabletop RPG book. There are very specific changes to how we do design of the books in order to create an ePub version, and we’re very interested in the response (so far response is really positive).

– V20 Rites of the Blood: is ready for layout, but layout is not yet ready for it, waiting on one artist for finals.

– V20 Dark Ages: Scribes are scribing 2nd Drafts. David Hill has delivered some art notes.

– V20: Ghouls: In redlines.

– V20 Red List: In final draft stage.

– The Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution: Out to backers who pledged for it. Creating PoD files to go with PDF for sale on DTRPG.

– V20 Bloody Missive Collections of the Clans: Writing.

– Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: US and most International missing packages have shipped. In daily communication with the European shipper on shipping and getting confirmation that they have started shipping to Europe. The Heavy Metal Deluxe W20 is done and has started shipping with more expected out this week. Mike Lee has a new batch of chapters of the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel for Bill to review. The White Howlers Tribe Book is in dev review. W20 Wyld West is waiting for developer notes expected today.

– W20 Changing Breeds  PDF and PoD versions are on sale at DTRPG! The Deluxes are being finished at press and we are finalizing shipping files. The Changing Breeds Fiction Anthology is in approval at CCP.

– W20 Book of the Wyrm is in layout. This will be the next Kickstarter project in a week or two if everything times out as expected. We think this book should appeal to W20 and W20 Changing Breeds fans alike. Getting this KS together, and the KS video just needs music.

– W20: The Umbra: In second drafts.

– Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition- had a great talk with Satyr Phil and the Onyx Path gang and we were able to schedule the next books after M20– but finishing that developmentally is still the primary job for Phil and Bill. The Character Pack book and the “How Do You DO That?” book look like the first two next projects up.

– Mage 20 Quickstart: Printed and shipped for Free RPG Day.

– Trinity Continuum: System Doc being assembled by Joe Carriker. The first new piece of art in YEARS has been commissioned.

 Scion: Both Scion and the TC above are now moving into active mode for 2014. Contracts and art notes out for the Scion: Origins cover.

– Demon: The Descent: The Demon: Ready Made Characters PDF and PoD versions are for sale on DTRPG. Demon Seed Collection is in redlines. DtD Seattle is in second drafts. Heirs to Hell is in layout and art direction. Demon Translation Guide is being written. The Demon Fiction Anthology + Interfaces is in redlines

– DtD Players Guide: Flowers Of Hell: Need a couple more pieces of art to arrive and it is ready for CCP approvals.

– Hunter: Mortal Remains: The PDF version is selling like hotcakes (scary hotcakes) on DTRPG and we have a forum thread for comments. http://forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main-category/main-forum/the-new-world-of-darkness/hunter-the-vigil/122566-mortal-remains-errata-thread

– nWoD: Dark Eras: Second drafts are almost all in.

– WtF: The Idigam Chronicle: All but two first drafts are in- others are in redlines. Stew Wilson is doing a remarkably regular Friday blog that focuses on specific topics for the book- lots of good discussion happening right now: https://theonyxpath.com/category/projects/werewolftheforsaken/

– GtSE: Geist Ready Made Characters: In redlines.

– Also: Mage Tradition symbol shirts are now available.

Reason to Drink: They bought me the drinks.

22 thoughts on “When in doubt, blame Shane.”

  1. Just wanted to say that Mortal Remains is GREAT. Hunter is honestly the only line where I’ve loved reading every single supplement. (All the other lines are great, of course, but there’s always one that doesn’t tickle you for whatever reason.)

    Is it just me or has V20 Rites of the Blood been in development a very, very, very long time? Hasn’t it been at least a year since the Open Development?

    • Wow- sorry to everybody that I was not able to reply this week until now.

      Yes, we knew Rites might need extra time as Eddy was developing it from Justin’s original concept, and Eddy’s available time to develop it was hard to anticipate. We’re looking forward to getting it together for its KS.

  2. – DtD Players Guide: Flowers Of Hell: Need a couple more pieces of art to arrive and it is ready for CCP approvals.

    So close…its going to be a tense couple of weeks for this.

    – Mummy the Curse – Cursed Necropolis DC- Errata input and PoD version needs proofing before before making the on-sale PDF and PoD versions live on DTRPG.

    This book is awesome and I hope it sells well when it has a general release. Best setting book I’ve ever read.

    – Hunter: Mortal Remains: The PDF version is selling like hotcakes (scary hotcakes) on DTRPG and we have a forum thread for comments.

    This is also an awesome book and I’m glad its doing so well in sales.

    – Book of the Deceived (MtC): Redlines.

    Argh…sixth months of Redlines. Sometimes you wish you had a fast forward button on life.

    • Yep, we are getting some sweet ones out there. Much like Rites (above), Colin’s available time also has some irregular periods, so he has to redline when he can.

  3. This question would have been more appropriate on a previous Monday Meeting entry, but what the heck. According to the schedule, there are two Mummy products you were hoping to have out by now that aren’t even being worked on. Are you guys planning to reset the schedule before Gencon? This “Mummy Reformation” plotline has me quite intrigued, and I would rather like to know now whether I should hope to see Sothis Ascends out before the end of the year.

    • I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll say it her as well: I only put up in these Updates what comes through Rose as she queries each dev before our Monday meeting. So while I hear that ALL the Mummy projects are at various stages of being started, I will only add them when there is something concrete that has gone through the info gathering process. I’ve made that mistake with a couple of projects in the past as I was told off the cuff by a dev that a book had a writer, and found out they hadn’t been able to get them on board.

  4. I feel somehow frustrated that baking M20 doesn’t allow me to have M20 material before everyone else (Why is that quickstart not already mine ?! 🙂 ) but i will just ask one thing : Any idea when M20 kickstarter survey is coming ?

    • The QS was specifically created as a project for FreeRPG Day, and their rules are very strict about not allowing anyone to have the project before the retailers can use the product on that day (June 20thish?). So nobody gets the QS yet. Backers pretty much get some kind of access early in all other cases. As for the Survey- nope, not yet.

  5. “- Trinity Continuum: System Doc being assembled by Joe Carriker. The first new piece of art in YEARS has been commissioned.”

    Hell, yes! Any chance you can tell us who the artist is? 😀

    Can’t wait to get my hands on the new system and run it through its paces! Trinity here we come.

  6. I hope the new “Guide to the Technocracy” retconns most of the bad parts of the 2012-2013 Technocracy Convention Books. One point that needs to re-revised is the notion of having such of a small proportion of members of a particular Convention being actually ENLIGHTENED. I think the majority of the members of a Convention like Progenitors should be ENLIGHTENED. If most of the members of a Convention are unenlightened or so-called “Extraordinary Citizens” then it really diminishes my interest in the Technocracy. “Extraordinary Citizens” is like a pseudo-mage, not Enlightened but they can do half of what a Mage can do. I don’t like at all.

    Another thing that has to be improved: The writer of the more hard-science Conventions need to have personal expertise in the relevant sciences. There are HUGE advancements in Biotechnology/Molecular Biology that weren’t even briefly mentioned in PROGENITORS REVISED. The Convention Books needed to be really forward-looking, describing really advanced technologies.

    The new Guide to the Technocracy can go a long way in correcting these… “mistakes”.

    • Sorry you don’t like the new books. Anything M20 related is no doubt going to incorporate whichever elements Satyr Phil thinks work for the line. So he’s free to draw from the Convention books or not, depending on how he thinks they fit together.

      • Satyr Phil did mention having to rewrite M20 to include new material from the convention books, but the part about the Technocracy being a majority of unEnlightened is from Mage Revised and he’s moving away from it.

  7. Dangit Shane, why’d you have to do all that cool stuff?

    Eddy, may your job search be vastly more lucky than mine.


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