11 thoughts on “World of Darkness: Dark Eras Kickstarter is Live”

  1. “…or 19th Century Germany just as the third edition of Grimms’ Fairy Tales is published for Changeling: the Lost.”

    I didn’t realize how much I needed 19th Century German Changeling: the Lost in my life before this moment. Please please please let this stretch goal be reached and give us more Changeling. <3

    • At this rate, my only concern is that they pass the second and third stretch goals while I sleep leaving me without a vote on them! Unless there is a major Requiem push en masse in the next couple hours, I think 19th Century German Changeling is basically a done deal.

  2. I would love to see a 19th Century Germany for Lost. It’ll be a great link to the original works and will be a hoot to play.

  3. An Inquisition setting would be all right for Hunter too. If you set it in the late middle ages, you can use others apart from the Spanish Inquisition.
    In fact, the Spanish Inquisition, as bad as it was, was like the Disney version of an inquisition, using far less torture and the like. That’s why it lasted up to the XIX century.
    See the articles “Spanish Inquisition”, “Historical revision of the Inquisition” and “Black Legend of the Spanish Inquisition” in the Wikipedia for a bit of information.
    Note that being the Disney version of an Inquisition is still bad enough to make for a good antagonist, though, even one fit for an horror story. Just don’t feel limited to the Spanish version.

    • The Inquisitions and long-term plots that led up to the events in Salem are featured in the history section of “Doubting Souls.” We did that so fans could either draw upon what happened in their 1690s game or turn back the clock.

      If you want our chapter or any other writer’s chapter expanded, be sure to mention that on the KS page or in the comments. Fleshing out Doubting Souls would be pretty easy, considering we had word count restraints and could easily fill a whole supplement.

  4. I made some research by myself about the more original fairy tales for my group and decided to share some of it with you for “Changeling: The Lost”. The first thing you should know is, that there is not “one” true original you can refer to. These tales where told from one person to another and so a lot of different versions exist. Some of them are very very old and go back to the middle age or even the 10th century.
    The brothers Grimm were one of the first people, that decided to collect them and write them down. They made a trip across Germany and asked local people to tell them these stories. Their route is still well know. Translated it would mean something like “The German Fairy Tale Route”.
    Their first version from 1810 was never published, it was crueler than their later version for children, but also not always as cruel as some other (usually older) version. (As far as I could find out…).

    So referring to the Grimm tales as THE original is simply wrong! 😉

    Here you can read about some significant differences of a few tales to the published version of the brothers Grimm for children. I did not write the following myself, but collected the most important parts from a few sources in English instead of translating the German ones to save some time:


    Little Red Riding Hood

    These early variations of the tale differ from the currently known version in several ways. The antagonist is not always a wolf, but sometimes an ogre or a ‘bzou’ (werewolf), making these tales relevant to the werewolf-trials (similar to witch trials) of the time (e.g. the trial of Peter Stumpp). The wolf usually leaves the grandmother’s blood and meat for the girl to eat, who then unwittingly cannibalizes her own grandmother. Furthermore, the wolf was also known to ask her to remove her clothing and toss it into the fire. In some versions, the wolf eats the girl after she gets into bed with him, and the story ends there.


    Older versions of the tale:

    Sleeping Beauty

    In the original story of Sleeping Beauty she falls asleep due to a prophesy, not a curse. Guess what? It isn’t a kiss from a prince that wakes her either. In fact there is no prince at all in the original story of Sleeping Beauty. The king sees Sleeping Beauty and decides to rape her! She has two babies nine months later, even while she is still sleeping. She awakes when one of the children sucks a piece of flux off her finger that was causing her to sleep only to discover she had been raped and is now the mother of two children.


    Snow White

    The cannibal Queen
    In the newer version, the cannibalistic action of the Stepmother is not mentioned. In the earlier version, the Stepmother orders the huntsman to kill Snow White and bring the girl’s lungs and liver, not only as proof that she is dead but also to be eaten.

    The necrophiliac Prince
    In the newer version Snow White is awaken when the Prince kisses her. In the original version, there is no kiss. The Prince insists in having the coffin. Then, he asks his men to carry the coffin with the girl’s lifeless body in it. When the men carrying the coffin stumble over some rock, the poisonous apple comes out of her throat and Snow White is once more alive. What does the Prince want with a dead girl’s body? In the original version, not only is he a pedophile but a necrophiliac as well. The fact that the seven dwarfs refuse to bury the girl and instead keep her in a glass coffin so that they can stare at her is already disturbing. The desire of the Prince to have the body adds to the horrifying aspect of this original version.



    Maybe it’s too much to ask, but I would be happy, if you would include some of those versions, when you talk about the original versions in your next “Changeling: The Lost” books. 🙂

    (I hope someone will read and consider this at least…) ^^

  5. You know what’d be really cool? An Era for Vampire or Werewolf set in the Five Cities of the Taborites in the 1400s, just prior to what we refer to as the Reformation, during the period of resistance that really kicked off with the burning in 1415 of a Rector Hus who

    “refuses to raise funds for the Roman Pontifex, condemns the sale of relics and indulgences, and publicly calls the Pope a Simoniac, a merchant of spiritual goods, in other words a religious pimp.”

    For this he is excommunicated, and later brought before a council of his former colleagues, who order him burned, and

    “The fire that burns Hus sets all Europe ablaze, transforming a theological dispute into a social revolution so far-reaching it makes its subsequent French and Russian sequels seem like conservative, if terribly bloody, putsches.”

    “…Journeymen, helpers, servants, beggars, prostitutes, thieves and slum dwellers join with cultivators of the earth to recover the lost community of kinship and love. A population literally withdraws in mass from the centers of Leviathanic power, the cities and agricultural estates. Determined to make a new start, people appropriate uninhabited hillsides, riversides, forests, and at each site they launch a community of kin where all things are shared in common, where there are neither bosses nor workers, neither nobles nor serfs, where agents of the Church cannot even enter.”

    “…The Waldensians reject all religious orders as worthless. They say the Pope and all his cardinals as well as the Emperor and all kings, dukes, princes and bourgeois magistrates are usurpers and imposters. They say the only Purgatory is the poverty in which so many people are forced to live. They say Christians are idolaters because they prostrate themselves to a cross and to images of saints.”

    “…Among the pilgrims are numerous Flemish Beghards from Lille, Tournai and Brussels. The Taborites call them Pikarti.

    These radicals, probably former weavers who recognize their own desires and dreams in the Moravian communities, settle among the Taborites and introduce elements which further deepen the witdrawal from Leviathanic social life. They reject not only authority in all its forms, whether religious or secular, but also repression in all forms, particularly in the form of dehumanizing labor. If cloth-making requires the concentration of human beings in sunless prisons, then free spirits can dispense with clothing as readily as they can dispense with priests and nobles.”

    “…In Tabor, as a radical puts it, people ‘cannot be commanded by anyone, or excommunicated, or forbidden anything; neither the pope nor any archbishop nor anyone alive has authority over them for they are free.’ ”

    And long story short, the Taborites become what they yearned to cast off, become the new order and impose themselves on their compatriots.

    (Quotes were culled from here: http://noblesavagery.blogspot.com.au/2007/03/against-his-story-against-leviathan_08.html

    It’s really really interesting!)


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