- The last bits and pieces are going back and forth in the background. Soon. (At least, I really hope it’s soon.)
- Justin was down in Atlanta, when I was in Cincinnati. He signed books. I did not.
- Art is (nearly) all in for Children of the Revolution.
- Christmas in July sale happening now at DrivethruRPG.com. Go check it out!
- Falling Scales hardcover proof in the process of clearing the printer.
- Shards of the Exalted Dream is doing really well! Still #1 on the Hottest Items on DTR!
- Why do people go on websites and spend time trashing things they love?
- EClipse was low-key for me. I had a good time, but no one asked me about White Wolf stuff really. I got to play a lot, which was novel for me.
- Rich will have lunch with the Wendig. There will be much… Wendiggery.
- Mummy text is in the designer’s hands for layout.
- Couple more Kickstarters on the horizon.
- W20 is still rolling along. First Ron Spencer full pages are in Rich’s hands.
Today’s Reason to Drink: On July 23, 1992, Abkhazia declared independence from Georgia. The country, not the state.
Glad you had fun at Eclipse. I am also glad no one pestered you about White-wolf stuff.
You are certainly part of the reason why I had fun. 🙂
Any news on Blood Sorcery?
Seconded. Any news on Bloody Sorcery?
First Ron Spencer full pages are in Rich’s hands
*grabby hands* Show us?! Please? At least, a little bit? 🙁
I finally got my pdf’s for Requiem & WOD core, could not pass up the excellent price. Thanks for bringing xmas in July 🙂
On the Mummy front: super excited that its rolling along nicely. Cant wait to put my kickstarter bids for this.
I want Anarchs Unbound! Now!
Am still curious about the big yet delayed announcement ^^
Here’s some of it: http://whitewolfblogs.com/blog/2012/07/24/the-ww-schedule-for-aug-2012-aug-2013/
The Exalted news is quite exciting!
Cool. Thanks for the link 🙂
Falling Scales – Hardcover ?… the three parts together in hardcover ? I’ve bought the first part in PoD+PDF, I must buy another book with the three parts ?
I’m not sure where you’re getting that, but I don’t believe there’s any intention of forcing people to buy a new version just to get additional material.