4ollowing the Path [Monday Meeting Notes]


Here we all are in the first week of January, 2015. Wow. This is Onyx Path‘s fourth year of existence.

Did I say wow? WOW!

First off, my thanks to all of you for your support so far; I hope that our efforts to return your trust with the sorts of awesome games, fiction, and other projects you expect have made you as happy as they have us. Maybe an indicator is that just before the New Year, and I’m talking minutes, our Onyx Path Facebook page toppedΒ 5000 likes, which is incredibly heartening. Although, oddly enough, that was just the tip of the iceberg: all last month and still into this one, all of our FB pages for our various gamelines have also been flooded with “likes”. I dunno if that’s because folks have been on holiday breaks and are just liking things in a frenzy, or if Facebook changed their algorithms, or our outreach efforts are achieving critical mass. I don’t know why, but it’s great!Β Also in the good news from last year department, I’m told by Impish Ian WatsonΒ thatΒ we released 41 products and about 155 different t-shirt designs.

We have even more in store in ’15Β andΒ I’ll be talking about those plansΒ later this month.

Next, here are a couple of reminders: the Deluxe Wraith 20th Anniversary Edition Kickstarter ends tomorrow! Please check it out if you’ve ever wondered just what made Wraith: the Oblivion the legendary game line it has turned into these last decades. We’ve had a great time mixing it up with the equally legendary Wraith developer Rich Dansky, and with backer support we’ve added a huge chunk of extra text to the book, and have been able to create a Wraith 20 Quickstart: the “Handbook for the Recently Deceased”, a Wraith 20 Fiction Anthology, and a new product expandingΒ on the really scary parts: the Book of Oblivion (BoO). With 24ish hours to go, who knows what else might be added.

And today we also are starting the New Year, New Game sale at DTRPG with $15 Starter Bundles for Scion and Geist. Plus a number of White Wolf and Onyx Path core book PDFs 15% Off!

I know that I’m constantly going on about how much we appreciate your support, and I do worry that maybe it seems like a marketing line. The fact is though, we really do look on our community and the way we, as creators, are connected to you all, as incredibly important to every phase of creating our projects. The ability to have the kind of rapport we have now, as opposed to the great grey fog that separated us during the White Wolf days, is really a boon to our creative processes. Which is why we work really hard to include you in all our various processes; from Kickstarters where you can tell us which added material to create, to the Open Dev Process in all of its forms.

The hard work I speak about isn’t just the listening and talking to our community, though. The hardest part is keeping ourselves open to communication, even when in the midst of a constructive conversation someone jumps in and tears us a new one. Which I bring up because it’s a topic almost every one of our developers and writers and artists and editors (and one creative director and publisher) have had to deal with and which we talk about a lot. How to maintain enthusiasm and the creative urge in the midst of negativity. Some of the means is simply to stay disciplined about communication and how to pull the good from the nasty. And some of it is to have various communication venues with various amounts of protocols for how we trade ideas.

Many of our creators post on other non-Onyx forums or on their own social media and we ask that they make it obvious when they are speaking as somebody “officially” working forΒ Onyx Path, but otherwise don’t try and lock in controls on people and sites that aren’t ours to control. We post regular warnings about not thread-crapping on our Facebook pages because we don’t think edition warring in a thread about how much someone loves a game line is productive, but don’t really moderate so much as try and keep discussions factual. And then there are the forums and blogs here where we have our posted standardsΒ that we think enable better communication; both withinΒ our fan community and from creators to fans and back. Each venue has a different “safety factor”, I guess, in terms of the kind of communication our folks can and should expect to be able to have, and they can choose where to engage based on that.

Interestingly, we’re not the only ones to be thinking and posting about this, and I’d like to share with you these points and this linkΒ to the original blog, which I think really encapsulate a lot of my thinkingΒ on how we run our forums and blogs. They’reΒ from the talented pen of John Rogers (Leverage and The Librarians) on his Kung Fu Monkey blog, and I’ll hit his high points and my take on them for our Onyx Path site here:

1.) I tend to swear.

So do we. Some of that is for effect while writing, some is because we are passionate about what we do. Mostly, it’s because we try and talk straight, without pretense, whether in a creative meeting, or with you, our co-conspirators in these worlds we make.

2.) Argue to your hearts’ content, but please be respectful of each other.

Seriously. We are all joined by our love and passion for these games, and there ain’t that many of us that we should be trying to verbally destroy each other.

3.) It doesn’t have to be a question.

This is pretty much just for newcomers to our community, as our regular posters know that anything interesting is worth posting about here- and we love to read tangents as much as straight up “explain this” posts. But it does speak to the difference between an active community that’s comfortable hanging out like we love having here, and a place that isΒ designed only to settle rules questions.

4.) Us writers, you fan.

This isΒ a really important point, and I was wondering just how to phrase it, myself. I touch on the issueΒ above with the idea that our creators can only function creatively in an environment that fosters said creativity, but it’s harder to provide that when as a company, Onyx Path is so engaged with you all. On our side, we asked you for feedback, and we just need to understand that some of that will legitimately be negative feedback. On your side, and this is something we often see duringΒ an Open Dev Process discussion (or after an Advance PDF gets comments) when a developer explains why the change being demanded by a poster is not going to be made, is the idea that ultimately our creative teams are actually the ones whose reputations and incomes are on the line. Or as John Rogers said in his blog: “Our choices are our choices and we earned the right to make them, even if you don’t like them.”

As we enter 2015, I thinkΒ these points “frame the space” here on our site in a way that we can use to create that zone that continues to allow a real back and forth of ideas with our creators. It’s a good guideline onΒ how best to expressΒ our thoughts and feelings about the worlds we’ve all spent so much time living in.


And now, the firstΒ Updates of 2015:

DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (Projects in bold have changed listings)

First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)

  • W20Β PentexΒ Employee Indoctrination Handbook (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • M20Β Book of SecretsΒ (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Cursed Necropolis:Β Rio (Mummy: the Curse)
  • Secrets of the Covenants (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition) – In Open Development
  • Exalted 3rd NovelΒ by Matt ForbeckΒ (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • W20 Changing WaysΒ (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Demon Storytellers’ Guide (Demon: the Descent) Extension to writers was given.
  • Beckett’s Jyhad Diary (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • β€œSardonyx” System Rules (Base rules set for Scion and the Trinity Continuum)
  • M20 AnthologyΒ (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)


  • Mummy Fiction AnthologyΒ (Mummy: the Curse)
  • Arms of the ChosenΒ (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • W20 Shattered DreamsΒ (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Mage: the Awakening Β 2nd Edition, featuring the Fallen World Chronicle (Mage: the Awakening) – In Open Development
  • W20 Novel by Mike LeeΒ (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Beast: the Primordial core book (Beast: The Primordial)
  • V20 Black Hand:Β Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition

Second Draft


  • V20 Red ListΒ (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • V20 GhoulsΒ (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • World of Darkness Dark Eras- Vampire chapter (WoD Dark Eras)
  • Promethean: the Created 2nd Edition, featuring the Firestorm Chronicle (Promethean: the Created)


  • V20Β Lore of the ClansΒ (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Sothis AscendsΒ (Mummy: the Curse)
  • M20 How do you DO that? (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Exalted 3rd Fiction Anthology (Exalted 3rd Edition)

Development (post-editing)

  • World of Darkness Dark Eras core bookΒ (WoD Dark Eras)
  • Exalted 3rd Edition core book- From Holden: β€œFinal file (ch9: panoply) to come in later today. Meanwhile, many Bothans died to bring you these crunch chapters..” (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Fallen World Chronicle Fiction AnthologyΒ (Mage: the Awakening)



  • Sothis Ascends – Β Artists lined up, sending out notes and contracts.
  • Book of the Wyrm 20 – Tweaking quote from the printer still-Β Deluxe cover artwork off to CCP for approval.
  • DAV20 – Β Same-Β Still awaiting proofing notes.Β Sto working on the colored heraldry stuff. Also have the additional art in from Gaydos and Trabbold. Sending Mark’s finals off for approval.
  • T-Shirts – DA Clan Heraldry ones are ready to roll out. I’ll work on more once M20 is in the proofing phase.
  • ArtΒ O’ The Changin’ Breeds – Β Β Mage showed up. Once I get it into proofing (and DA into second proof) I’m going to try and wrap this up.
  • Umbra – Β PDF and POD on sale:Β http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/139920/W20-Umbra-The-Velvet-Shadow
  • VTR II –  On saleΒ at DTRPG:Β http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/123898/Vampire-the-Requiem-2nd-Edition
  • Fallen World Chronicle Anthology – Proofing.
  • Firestorm Chronicle AnthologyΒ for Promethean 2– Advance PDF/eBooks versions up at DTRPG:Β http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/141741/The-Firestorm-Chronicle-Anthology
  • WtF 2 –  Got files up for Sto to start on. Spencer’s pieces are starting to roll in, Yanner is finishing up stuff, and should see stuff from Abrar shortly. Getting stuff together for revised character sheet as well.
  • Scarred Lands –Β Β Cover for [REDACTED] getting tweaked out.Β I think all he has to do is add the heraldry to the paladin shield…
  • Wraith 20 – KS a going.
  • M20 – Spreads are getting fixed. Going to start cranking through the rest of the text this week and adjust once spread text is fixed. Getting some character sheet tweaks out to Mr Gone this week (page 2 for the 2 page sheet).
  • Dark Eras – Not much to report, but with the holidays behind us I should be seeing some sketches and finals this week. Finals from Gaydos and Stambaugh are approved. Going to get started on initial graphics for the KS or as much as I can.
  • V20 Lore of the ClansΒ –Β Art Notes and Contracts. Pretty nice roster and should make for a really sweet looking book. I still have one guy I’m waiting to hear back from, but other than that it’s moving along.
  • EX3-Β RichT here, once again tagging onto Mirthful Mike’s report: Maria Cabardo and I looking at the final final final finals now. Going to check in with her about layout today.

REASON TO DRINK:Β Year 4. Ain’t that a kick in the head?

51 thoughts on “4ollowing the Path [Monday Meeting Notes]”

  1. Sweet, Werewolf text is done! Very exciting to see another 2e book almost in that can.

    Though speaking of Werewolf — any idea when 1e will be available for PoD again? It’s the only corebook not available in a physical format on DriveThruRPG.

    • A lot of what determines what gets done at this point is whether we have any files at all to make the PoDs from. If we don’t have stored electronic files for the earlier books whose archives fell apart over time, then we’d look to the PDF as a file to make the PoD files from. If a PDF was scanned back when DTRPG got started, the quality was no where near as good as what they can do now. So we might not want to try and use those files to create the PoD files.

      • That explanation is good to see. I’ve been waiting patiently for Witches and Pagans from M:tSC to be offered in PoD considering it was only previously a PDF release and is the ONLY cWoD sourcebook I don’t own in print.

  2. Part of my research focuses on how social systems maintain their internal consistency. I only really got it when I started my PhD, so I know how incredibly hard it is to look at a game (or any form of communication) and really understand how it works and how the pieces fit together. What really bothers me is when people demand explanations, but refuse to accept any explanation other than the one they want to hear. Those people don’t want to learn, they just want to be told they’re right. There’s nothing constructive or instructive about it. Tabletop RPGs aren’t exactly a crucial human rights issue, but that just makes it worse. If people can’t even be bothered to figure out how a game works, how the hell can they make decisions about politics?

    With that rant out of the way, I’m still looking forward to the Mage Anthology and Ex3. Since Ex3 seems to be moving towards layout, I guess I’ll start recruiting for a playtest game. I’m never going to get to play Exalted, but with the money I spent on the KS, I might as well bite the bullet and go FOREVER ST.

    And while we’re on the subject, FOREVER ST shirts would go great in the Redbubble store.

      • Vampire the Masquerade, Mage, Hunter(of course), Werewolf, etc.

        Honestly, any of either the NWOD or CWOD games’ logos and/or clan symbols for example, would be awesome.

        I think the stickers are a great idea. Would love to see more options.

  3. I apologize if this has been answered in previous weeks, but how did Mage 2E wind up two development steps behind Promethean 2E? Wasn’t it started much earlier? I don’t mean this as a complaint, I’m just curious about the development process that led to it.

    • Real-life catastrophes, first for one of the main writers, then for me. We’re catching back up, though, and we’ve had a lot of playtesting.

      Also, this is my first major book as Developer. I think Promethean is somewhere around Matt’s 9000th.

      • Thanks for the info, and I’m sorry to hear about the real-life catastrophes. I hope things are going smoothly (or at least more smoothly) now! I’m super excited about Mage 2E

    • I’m not going to gossip, but suffice to say, sometimes real life rears its ugly head, and results in delays.

      Edit: Dave and I simulposted. There you have it.

    • I think Promethean also moved through the earlier stages a little faster, for whatever reason. It’s in development now, but I’m not rushing because a) Mage should really be first and b) I’ve got Beast to think about now anyway. πŸ™‚

      • Promethean did playtesting after the second draft, Mage did it after the first. Mage will just also do it after the second.

  4. Is there any chance we’ll be able to get Werewolf 2e before the end of the month, or is it looking like a Feburary release?

  5. Hello, just a quick question. I know I ask these a lot, I hope you guys don’t mind. Regarding pledging to be a model during the BotW kickstarter, do we know in which book the art will be featured by now? I know it was unknown several months ago. I’d just like to know in which book to look for it when I get them. It was already incredibly pleasant awesome to be in BotW itself. Many thanks to the artist BTW, The tales of the Endron employee with the war seagull will forever be a part of my games now πŸ™‚

    Also, congratulations on the fourth year. It’s been quite a ride and a worthwhile one. I’ve finally found the time to actually start reading the books cover to cover (currently in Rage Across the World W20) and I am adoring it. The new takes on the sept stations are simply brilliant. Even something as simple as the caller of the Wild is now a significant role. Bravo team. My mind has been blown. Changing promises to be amazing based on what I see here.

      • Oh! I hadn’t thought of that one. Makes a lot of sense actually. In that case, would you mind if I requested to be depicted as the same guy again? Seeing as I was already a Pentex employee in BotW (with the seagull) it would be nice to see the “character” continuation. And, when I say nice, I mean awesome.

        In any event, thank you for answering Mr. Chaney

          • My day, it has been made. Many thanks! You just may have secured my pledges for this kind of thing in future W20 kickstarters.

            Speaking of which, do we know which one would be next? For W20 I mean.

  6. Rich, Ian and the rest, we have mentioned and talked about e-books in the past, for those of you who are wondering what a Non E-Book like a PDF will look like on an E-Reader, here are some screenshots taken of my Kindle Fire HD 7: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1MveZ2fkaTtS3UydUM5V21GdjA&usp=sharing
    As you can see all of them turned out quite well, all of the artwork loads crisp and smooth and all of it is visible. Naturally a bigger screen will produce a larger picture and whatnot, but here everyone is, so they can get an idea.

  7. Exalted 3e seems to be taking a while to come out. Do Kickstarted books usually have this much time between the close of the KickStart and the release of the product?

    • Depends on the Kickstarter.

      Exalted had a heck of a lot of work required of it. Demon, f’rex, didn’t have as much, so the wait between KS ending and publication wasn’t as long. Every KS is different, every project has different cats catching fire.

    • Pretty much what Matt said. EX3 is spectacularly different than other Kickstarters, and is very much the outlier to how they normally go.

  8. Hey I just wanted to say I have noticed a HUGE improvement over the last four years with how timely the Onyx team is as keeping the fans in the loops as to the status of various books, especially the Kickstarter ones. So please keep up the great work and here is to several more years ahead.

  9. that is one thing I do love about OP and everyone from Rich to Satryos is the communication from the fans. Yes here is to many years ahead for your company and everyone in it.

  10. Are you still going through the requests for purchasing Werewolf 20 overstock items? It’s been a while and I haven’t heard anything back from anyone on that front.

    • Yes we are and you should hear from us soon. The individual screen requests were held off on until we could confirm that how we intended to pack them actually worked to protect them.

      • Right on. I must remember that Patience is a virtue…but I don’t know the nWoD system well enough to abide by it. πŸ˜‰ Thanks.

  11. Say Richt, how did that layout talk with Misses Cabardo go? I think a lot of us are chomping on the bit to find that out how that is went for the week she had the first 6 chapters.

    • Maria’s work process isn’t something I’m going to go into granular detail on, but she’s incredibly excited to be working with the text and is experimenting with different fonts and sizes. A lot of that will come down to also doing a rough layout with the actual text and seeing what sort of page count this monster comes in at initially.

      • Thanks for the response.
        I think we are all wishing her the best of luck in making this new edition as beautiful as we all wish it to be. We shall see her and the book on the other side of layout. We wish her the best in this and look forward to seeing the end results. I say I think because I know for myself and I assume others feel something close to what I feel in this matter.

  12. I know it’s only the first draft of the base system that the games will eventually be built around, but hot damn I’m excited to see “Sardonyx” up on that list.


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