50 Years of What? No, Who.

Bear with us here as I delve into the “long awaited” discussion Eddy and I had today at lunch about the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Experience. But wait! What does that old show have to do with White Wolf, and vampires, and Exalted, and stuff? Well let me postulate that for a company like Onyx Path, who are starting out shepherding and reinvigorating already existing game lines that have been being played for more than twenty years, the life cycle of a FIFTY year media property like Doctor Who can teach us a lot.

So gang: SPOILERS, sweetie.

We started just flashing on those moments in the Day of the Doctor show itself that stood out. Tom Baker showing up as he did was a treat. I’d call him my Doctor even though Pertwee was the first one I ever watched. We both remarked on two things- Moffat really pushed the bounds of timey-whimey with how Tom’s Doctor could be there in any capacity even though we loved it, and how Tom’s (I can call him that after all these years- no, I’m not fan-entitled, why do you ask?) delivery was at first off-putting and made me and Eddy’s wife Michelle worried at how old Tom was. But then, personally I realized that it was actually the classic 4th Doctor delivery, and it was just that Tom’s much older physical appearance coinciding with his bumbly, fumbly, pausing delivery to make my first reaction be about that “poor old man”. Once my memories of the 4th Doctor caught up- right around the nose gag- it was a joy to see him rolling again. John Hurt was another treat, and the easy chemistry between him and the two younger Doctors was fantastic. Eddy suggests that Hurt’s Doctor was a proxy for the fans of the earlier series as he spends a lot of time skewering the younger Doctors’ mannerisms and affectations. We also talked a bit about how the presence of renowned actors such as John Hurt and Derek Jacobi years earlier really helped move the show beyond just being a show and into a cultural touchstone (more on that later).

Overall, bigger picture, we both liked the resolution of the Time War. I saw somewhere online that stated that the cryptic Face of Boe utterance of “You are not alone” takes on new meaning as The Doctor’s former and future selves step up to prevent the genocide that has haunted the last three incarnations. Pretty nice- and I think Moffat has gifted himself and the new writers/show runners that may come with a wide-open canvas to play on. Stay focused on the quest to find Gallifrey and you have a proactive questing hero Doctor to provide drive to the series. Break away from that and a fresh galaxy is there that doesn’t have as its central figure a doom haunted deployer of genocide. The “rules” of a Doctor Who story as we’ve been living them since the relaunch have been altered. Doctor Who as a series is best when it follows its own big rules, like regeneration being a necessary and good thing, to then explore a premise- he’s stuck on Earth working with Unit- and then change that premise when it no longer drives the stories and runs out of steam.

But as much as we agreed on the sheer well-written fun of the Big Episode itself, we were both really impressed by the other pieces of the 50th Experience. Paul McGann proved that he had truly grown into the role via his years on the audio dramas in the prequel Webisode. Now I really want to see him actually do a series of earlier Doctor Who adventures for straight to video or something. The docudrama of the start of the series in 1963 was fantastic: the actor playing the first Doctor, William Hartnell, really channeled the man warts and all, and the entire depiction of the “mother of Doctor Who”, Verity Lambert, was inspirational. Mad Men meets Who.

And then, we come to The Five(ish) Doctors. First of all, this is a funny video about Peter Davidson, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy (the 5th, 6th, and 7th Doctors) attempting to get into the 50th Anniversary Special. Moffat won’t take their calls- Tom Baker won’t take their calls- and eventually they sneak into the show in a very fun, appropriate, and non-conclusive way. Was that really them under those sheets? I for one hope so. But, it’s also effectively a bittersweet look at these actors who once all portrayed this iconic character and are now relegated to the past. The show moves on. Or does it? Once again, the overwhelming truth of Doctor Who is that all its pasts make up what it is and these past portrayals add to the cumulative depth. While Peter Davidson, for example, is no longer The Doctor in the sequence of Doctors as they are being broadcast, he is considered by many (including David Tennant) as their Doctor. And immortally in those fans minds and hearts, he always will be.

Eddy feels that all these different media events, these different ways of telling the 50th Anniversary story, are an enormously successful Transmedia campaign that did so many of the things we look for in Transmedia projects right. Each differently focused part of the greater whole contributed to the overall meaning we, as viewers, would take away from watching more than one of the events. So then this 50th Anniversary isn’t about the Special, the Special is part of a series of media events that fit together, reference each other, inform each other, and ultimately compel us by their societal connections to appreciate Doctor Who not just as a “show that’s been around for fifty years” but as something bigger than that, something that has existed this long because it means so many different things to so many people who engaged in the show at so many different levels. The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Experience is constructed to illustrate the layers of meaning the show has created these 50 years. It’s truly bigger on the inside than the outside.

Next week- I’ll tell you how all this looking at Doctor Who as Transmedia is informing our projects here at Onyx Path.

Gali-free Updates:

– Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle (VtR) Proof going to CCP for approval, still missing three pieces of art. Unless they come in Tuesday before Mirthful Mike sends out the proof…

– Mummy the Curse – The MtC Ready Made Characters Pack  PDF tweaks are in layout. Cursed Necropolis DC writing is being developer-passed.

– Exalted 3rd Edition:  While John hunkers down to rewrite the Charms chapter he is also changing some of the ways he’s been doing these to enable more to get finished, the rest of the team is working on a couple of EX3 chapters that continue to be finalized for Editing: Sail is done and Lore is in progress. Playtesting continues with a couple of problem areas being earmarked for review. The map is gorgeous, but there are notes we need to send back.

Both  EX3 novels as well as Zub’s EX3 Comic are in progress, and I just heard a very, very preliminary exploration of a theme for the EX3 Music Suites– the music team is thinking of putting up their own video diaries documenting the creation of the EX3 Suites. Links when I have them.

– V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  Shipping out continues. HH2 Fiction Anthology is in second editor review.

– V20 Anarchs Unbound is in layout and we are still putting the pieces together for its KS- I’ll be looking to see whether it’s worth running its KS over Christmas holidays or wait until the New Year.

– Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: Shipping continues this week. The Heavy Metal Deluxe W20 prototype was approved and they are slowly assembling and binding the books by hand. Mike Lee has a new batch of chapters of the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel for Bill to review. W20 Anthology is with CCP for approval. Jess Hartley has submitted the White Howlers Tribe Book to Stew Wilson for development notes which Stew says he is doing right now if his back doesn’t give out, and the W20 Cookbook is fully in layout with our cookbook expert- Affable Aileen Miles- we expect a first proof this week.

– Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has Phil is wrapping up the last sections of the book. Reviewing full pages in b&w first from Mike Kaluta. Two pieces of the Traditions two-page spread art is in CCP approvals.

– W20 Changing Breeds  PoD files and Deluxe book files are almost done being prepared. The Changing Breeds Fiction Anthology is being contracted by developer Jess Hartley.

– W20 Rage Across the World: Almost done with Stew’s approval. Then we need to make fixes and get to CCP for approval. The PDF will go to Deluxe W20 backers first as an appreciative gift for their patience, and then up on DTRPG.

– W20 Book of the Wyrm is in layout. A couple of additional art pieces needed to be art directed.

– V20 Rites of the Blood: is ready for layout, but layout is not yet ready for it, art finals rolling in.

– Under the Darkening Sky (classic Dark Ages): In editing. Art getting approved.

– Trinity Continuum: New System ideas continue being hammered out. John Snead, Aeon developer and writer has already started sending material to Ian for review. T’aint it the truth.

 Scion: New Systems discussion continue.

– Demon: The Descent: Files at indexing. The Demon: the Descent Kickstarter campaign is almost done! Pledge soon if you want to support it.

– Hunter: Mortal Remains: Only one chapter not in editing already.

– Book of the Deceived (MtC): First drafts are coming in to CAS, who is red-lining away. Red-lining is the stage where the developer makes notes in the writer’s text for changes (called red lining because a red pen was used originally to mark up the paper manuscripts).

– nWoD: Dark Eras: Writers are writing.

– V20 Dark Ages: Scribes are scribing. Check out the discussion on the WW Forums and these very blogs. Talking to a pretty famous artist about this project- only still talking yet, though.

– DtD Players Guide: Flowers Of Hell?: Being written by that guy. You know the one. He kind of looks like you.

– V20: Ghouls: Writing continues.

– V20 Red List: Still in final draft stage.

– The Making of the Art of Children of the Revolution: In CCP approvals.


Reason to Drink: First snow days of the year…the kids are home. Or you’re home. Either way, that calls for a drink.

37 thoughts on “50 Years of What? No, Who.”

  1. Kaluta is probably one of the biggest reasons I’ll be buying into M20. Thank you for again showcasing the most iconic Mage (Ascension or Awakening) artist in WW history!!

  2. With regards to the idea of doing the Anarchs Unbound kickstarter over the Holidays? I wouldn’t. People have other things to be doing with their money. Waiting after means that people can use their normal money, plus any holiday money they get as presents to put towards it, and will give a small bit of downtime between the Demon Kickstarter and the Anarchs Unbound.

  3. I am very pleased to hear the Exalted playtesting is picking up problems. Much better to spot them now than to end up with errata document the size of a splatbook.

    • Hear, hear! I had to miss the Exalted Kickstarter to misery, but I agree. Get as much of that stuff right the first time. I want to start with a brand new edition with all the old coolness and a smooth running engine.

  4. Whether you run the KS for Anarchs Unbound now, or you wait until later, doesn’t really matter. I have a specific amount of funds(that will go towards Justin’s drinking budget, I’m sure) going towards it regardless.

    I can understand if others want to wait until after the New Year.

    Me? Give me now!

    I’m selfish.

    Also, extremely excited to get W20 and HH2.

  5. To everyone out there waiting on W20. Here is message of hope. Keep courage, Warriors of Gaïa. For it is worth the wait. I have received mine, and it is a thing of glory! I didn’t even dare unwrap it yet, it’s in my library looking awesome.

    • Where do you live? I have heard that people in the UK have gotten theirs, I hope to have mine at the beginning of next week. I live in Norway, and it would be nice to have it before I go on my holiday break on the 20th.

  6. I’m still trying to figure out why a Monday Meeting update has anything to do with Dr Who in the first place. I never understood the appeal of it from when I first had seen it when I was 9 years old in 1980 till even now – now that I’m 42.

    Anyway, will we be sent tracking numbers for W20 and HH2?

    • Because Eddy and I talked about it and I wrote it up. Simple as that- some of the stuff before the Updates will be pertinent to your interests and some won’t. Like I said at the end- next week I’ll go into what our analysis of the 50th Experience means in terms of Onyx Path and how we’re continuing to create our game lines. That might be of interest to you and a yawn to other folks. Never can tell.

      None of our shipping services include automatic tracking numbers for backers.

      • Hey Rich,

        I wasn’t trying to offend you, Eddy Webb, or anyone with my remarks on Dr Who (heck, my own kids don’t understand my fascination with Star Trek, let alone my loathing of Jar Jar Binks and ewoks). Please accept my apology for my insensitivity concerning Dr Who.

        As a huge Highlander fan, and the fan-made CWoD supplement Highlander the Gathering, have you ever considered pursuing Panzer/Davis Productions and the authors of HtG, about a possible one-shot line for CWoD?

        • I was absolutely not offended. I do try and jump around with the topics I write about each week, figuring that any given topic will only be interesting to some of our readers- but the next week’s topic will be of interest to different readers. And then there’s those deeply, deeply, weird readers who like what I’m writing every week…

          • As an occasional “deeply weird” reader, mine eyes have the feeling that you are avoiding my query about Highlander…. LOL!

        • Re: your Highlander question. The basic truth is, there are barely enough hours in a day to follow up the work we’ve stepped up for with our own projects, so trying to reach out to folks we have no relationship with and just get a chance to talk is outside what any of us have bandwidth for now. Then you look at rights and brand control and all those business things that would need to be ironed out- its a bigger deal to move on than it sounds.

      • I’m not a Dr. Who fan. As a matter of fact, I think the show sucks. However, I like that you guys talk about it and–at times–relate it to what you’re doing with Onyx Path.

        I have meeting at my job all the time. Most of the time, we focus on the work. But I’d be lying if I said we didn’t go into sports and other topics time and again.

        When you post the Monday Meetings, I expect to see a summary of what you discussed. If it’s Dr. Who, the New York Jets, or Punky Brewester, then so be it.

        It’s cool with me.

        • Glad the format is fun for you. I’m never sure, even after a couple of years of these, if I’m just blathering on about what I find interesting and the rest of the world is “like, whatever”. Not that I’m going to stop, anyway. 😀

  7. I’ll be glad if Anarchs Unbound is after Christmas. That means ol’ Phil will get Mage 20 nice and done. I can save some money for THAT Kickstarter and hopefully I won’t have to wait too long after the campaign to see the PDF.

    I’m nicely curious about AEON. In the first iteration the Aberrant were something of a mystery. I mean I was into that system before the “Trinity” renaming. They were really “off camera” and a bit of an enigma until the actual Aberrant game came out. Now that dramatic tension has shifted somewhat. Those familiar with the original games have that insight, so I wonder if the actual aberrants themselves will have a greater or less veiled role in the AEON game. You know what I mean? We kind just barely got the PC groups and their agendas out and there was never much done with the aberrants directly. I don’t expect an answer from Ian or anything, but it was something I was thinking about.

    • Phil’s really close actually right now. Some of the art and other things are taking longer.

      Good point. Part of the fun of re-imagining the Trinity Continuum is also reconfiguring long time players’ expectations while not mangling the parts that define Aeon or Aberrant. The first step in that was to decide just why we;re now calling it a Continuum, and what changes that sort of storytelling would bring to the “big three”.

      • Dealing with how aberrants, novas and psions interact with one another on the same mechanical scale is foremost on my mind, believe me. That question and answer, at least, will alter how they play out on a setting level.

      • Dealing with how aberrants, novas and psions interact with one another on the same mechanical scale is foremost on our minds, believe me. That question and answer, at least, will alter how they play out on a setting level.

        • Aren’t aberrants on the same scale as novas, just with more Taint? On the subject of scale, will the Mega-Books mentioned in Wikipedia be released?

          • To even expand on Ian’s reply, this new edition will be about putting out the right books and other products for this edition, which will likely cover the subjects of any unfinished business, or make those unreleased books unnecessary.

          • If the novas and aberrants use Mega-attributes, some books explaining how to use them will probably be necessary.

      • Hey Rich!
        You inspired something really cool. As a scifi fantasy fan and RPG freelancer myself, I have heard the word continuum a billion times and just never looked it up.

        Noun- A continuous sequence in which adjacent elements are not perceptibly different from each other, although the extremes are quite distinct.

        That’s pretty cool taken in the context of what you just said. Based upon that I would say that the elements of Adventure! may not appear to have a lot to do with AEON, but that is anything but the truth. It also brings to mind the move tag line for The Mysterious Case of Benjamin Button: “Life can only be understood looking backward. It must be lived forward.”

  8. Question about Blood & Smoke: If CCP approves the current proof; will it go on sale missing those three pieces of art and then the pdf will be updated later or will you wait for the art to come in before it is released?

  9. Wow, thanks for this thought provoking post linking two of my favorite things together, I love when that happens 🙂 Totally agree with your comments and Eddies too – the thing is, whether or not you like the show, the fans are largely agreed that it satisfied the 50th anniversary itch, and thats no mean feat, this crowd are known to be fussy and picky. So there are definitely a lot of lessons to learn and plenty of parallels, for example, what made this 50th successful was its balance between looking back but focusing forwards, setting up the next 50 years. The anniversary editions for OP have to be a similar milestone in that they set things up for continuance. The question of the metaplot – sometimes a tricky one for OP to navigate – strongly resonates with the wobbly continuity of 50 years of time travel in DW and the simple solution found in the DW special was to ignore the nigh incomprehensible details but dramatically move the essence forwards.
    DW has a format that allows continual reinvention of the scenery. But every time it changes everything, the essence remains the same. The question then should always be, what is the essence of this thing, why and how did it begin, where is that essence now, and where is it going?


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