70s Prog Rock

Meeting Notes

  • Rich’s distrust of the medical community appears to be shared by the medical community.
  • Art on Victorian Lost is iterating.
  • Working on Kickstarter ideas for Children of the Revolution.
  • Kelley Barnes is helping us out with some marketing ideas.
  • The economics of going from Kickstarter to Kickstarter. Also, we both supported Dinopocalypse Nowhttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/evilhat/spirit-of-the-century-presents-the-dinocalypse-tri
  • Rich talks about his 70s prog rock musical tastes.
  • The dilemma of the creative professional: are you willing to stand behind what you write?
  • Werewolf Translation Guide is waiting on final PoD approval, and then it will go live! Could finally come together at the end of this week.
  • Aileen is laying out Victorian Lost.
  • Waiting on art notes for Blood Sorcery.
  • Geist is going back through another hardcover proof pass (there were mistakes last time) before it’s finally all together.
  • It seems there are some problems with tabs in the PDF and PoD process — something we’ll have to keep an eye out for.
  • Rich has a phone call with Colin about the Mummy status.
  • GenCon — Rich and I are both going!

Today’s Reason to Drink: You survived another April Fool’s Day. That’s reason enough.

19 thoughts on “70s Prog Rock”

  1. So, it would be nice to have a Blood Sorcery teaser, a pdf. document, like the ones published during V20 open development.

  2. That is fantastic news that the W:tA-W:tF Translation Guide is about to go live! I also can’t wait to hear what the sales numbers are on them as well! (Perhaps Matt can add a “# Downloaded!” to DTRPG’s products, if a publisher wants it known, or after a certain number has been hit?)

    Just curious: Any idea when we’re going to be able to see more/give more input on W20?
    I know that things were different last year than they are this year, but for the Open Development last year, Shane and Justin were giving nearly-daily updates once the project got started. While you don’t have to worry about many of the basic mechanics this time (botch rules, removing “dodge” and the likes), there’s still a lot to go over for W:tA, and I’d love to know if there’s going to be more input we can give coming soon–and not just input that we can give, but feedback from you guys and showing that our suggestions and input is making an impact/difference in the development too.

    • (Perhaps Matt can add a “# Downloaded!” to DTRPG’s products, if a publisher wants it known, or after a certain number has been hit?)

      They’re not in the habit of showing exact numbers, but you can get a rough idea based on the ranking in the Hottest Items sidebar, and whether or not it has metal badge.

      The Vampire Translation Guide got Platinum in under a week, as I recall.

      • I spoke with Matt a bit, and he brought up some good points regarding companies not wanting to share too much info either. Unfortunately for me, the “metal” rankings don’t actually give any sort of real numbers ( http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/metal.php as you pointed out) I understand it can be a double-edged sword, but I’m a bit of an “information addict”, so I’m always asking questions and wanting more info. Sorry if that crosses the line sometimes. :-/

  3. as Torakhan said about W20 dev please.

    And thank you for no ridiculous April Fool’s jokes, unlike some other games company I won’t mention.

    Looking forward to the translation guide, although it’s going to be a hard sell to get my better half to allow me to buy another copy of Geist :S

  4. Folks- In terms of W20 posts, I’m working with Ethan on establishing a regular posting schedule- but seriously please don’t compare how this was done to how that was done as any sort of measurement of how the current project is or will roll out. We’re in a period of change and Ethan is juggling his W20 responsibilities with a full time job elsewhere. (OTOH, I have a blog post showing Steve Prescott’s Tribe sketches that I’m reeeeaaaally close to posting).

    Related to the above, we just didn’t have the bandwidth for an April Fool’s posting this year. And anything we thought of was in incredibly bad taste. Even for us.

    • I’m just a little irrationally nervous is all.
      I understand that not only are the people working on the project different, but that the manpower behind the project is as well. Other circumstances are too.
      Like I said, at this point in V20, a lot of “here’s what we’re thinking” was going on for some of the basic mechanics W20 doesn’t have to worry about, and W20 has taken care of some of the same ‘theme” posts already too, so there’s no reason not to think that in the next month we won’t start to see a larger roll-out of information that we can participate in aiding with. 🙂
      … So even though my smart part of my brain understands that this isn’t going to be the same as V20, my irrational “gimme gimme” and worrying part wants to see more and fears the worst–and that’s silly. We’ll get our book, I’m sure, and it’ll be awesome. 😀

    • meh, it’ll be a 500 page + powerhouse of awesome. I’m not worried, i just like to devour every tidbit and get a kick out of open development.

  5. FYI, folks- got word that my PoD version of the Werewolf Translation Guide is on the way from the printer. Should be here next week (Weds-Fri, I’m guessing). As soon as I can read through it to confirm that it prints OK, I’ll make it live on DTRPG’s site and everybody can get whichever versions they want/need. Absolutely the second I OK it, I’ll be on DTRPG activating it. Thanks!


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