Slow News is Good News (Mostly)

Originally posted by Justin on the V20 Blog

I realize it’s been a few days since my last substantial dev doc post and just wanted to keep you guys apprised of what’s been going on in the interim.

First, we had the meeting Monday that many of you have been hoping for, in which we discussed the details of making V20 available to people not attending Grand Masquerade. The details are still up in the air, but the overall news is good, in that we are now building into the schedule ways for people not attending the show to actually get the book. More details as we nail them down.

Second, somebody brought plague and struck down probably a quarter of our office staff between here and Reykjavik. Included: me, for a nasty day and a half. I blame Eddy, but it’s really probably Rich, even though Rich was up in Pennsylvania.

Third, what have I actually been working on these past several days? Glad you asked! I’ve been collecting some of the outstanding non-core-book materials for inclusion into the V20 volume, which is a lot of unglamorous kicking the archive file cabinet, shaking my fist at whomever absconded with the archives I need, rooting through the library for hardcopies of the books I’m referencing, and getting the text I need by whatever method is physically possible. You know, maybe I’ll get some video of the archive and the danger room and take you guys on a tour in a little while.

Once I’ve actually collected the pieces I need, I’ve been pasting them together, sanding off the rough endges, and stitching them into a whole. I’m currently about a quarter of the way into the drama systems chapter, which includes combat and circumstantial events, and that’s been a fairly tinkerly chapter. For instance, the recalibration of the system to use Athletics instead of Dodge is in there, and every little change “ripples” throughout the rest of the work, so that a change in System A means I need to clean up a reference in Sections B through E.

With all that said, the next thing I have for you, depending on my disposition, work velocity, and will be either that dramatics chapter, or another clan writeup. So far, I’ve seen some calling from the galleries for the Toreador. Anyone want to weight in on who should be next for the spotlight?

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