Are You Ready For Some (Computerized Fantasy) Football?

Project Status

  • Strangeness novel layout continues to be irritating
  • Dust to Dust art should be rolling in this week
  • Masters of Jade writers are being hired
  • Victorian Lost writers are also being hired
  • Geist 1.1 pass will start this week
  • Free RPG Day 2012 has been contracted (Matt McFarland to develop)
  • Mummy is now to the larger dev team and is being kicked around
  • W20 initial draft bible was discussed, and Bill is working on a new draft
Meeting Notes
  • Jocularity is low, as Rich and I were both playing Vampire over Skype last night until 11:30pm. Rich is also pleased that he got his Blood Bowl game working on Steam, even if the announcers are irritating.
  • We talk about the print-on-demand review process, and update a few things on our spreadsheet.
  • Rich is working on some new banner ads, even if Photoshop doesn’t agree with that.
  • We talk about some of the criticisms over the clan spread art pieces in V20, and about the sales numbers for the PDF and the limited edition book sales.
  • There’s a small backlog of pending email requests, and Rich and I knock through the ones we can make decisions on.
  • Some typos have been corrected on the V20 PDF, so I have to test it on my iPad. Again.
Today’s Reason to Drink: On October 10, 1957, the world had it’s first major nuclear accident in Cumbria (United Kingdom). Gets you in the mood for Werewolf: The Apocalypse, doesn’t it?

11 thoughts on “Are You Ready For Some (Computerized Fantasy) Football?”

  1. Geist 1.1? Iiiinteresting. What does that entail, then? The book was quite a patchwork thing, great as it was, and I can certainly see there’s room for improvement.

    • Right now, I want to at least go through and correct errata and the like. Depending on how much work is needed and how much I have to give, I can do some more heavy lifting inside the manuscript.

  2. Geist 1.1. Awesome! Is it just fixes, or will there be bits of new material?

    Are you taking suggestions as to what needs fixing? I noticed a few things when I wrote a London Underworld Citybook.

      • We had heard folks concerns over the last couple of years, and we just didn’t have the bandwidth to go back in, but certainly the patchwork feel and some rules that weren’t really integrated with the rest of the game and it bugged us. So, with a bit of a gap in Eddy’s schedule, he and I agreed to take a developer pass and get the PDF/PoD options done up for it. Then anybody who bought the PDF from DTRPG before should get a free update notice.

    • We did ask the Wrecking Crew to have the players fill out a feedback form to give us a sense of the experience the players had. I haven’t heard any word about those forms, though.

  3. Please put different clan pictures in V20. Got my PDF and I AM DISSAPOINTED about the clan arts! Put back the Masquerade ones or make them pretty like in requiem but this is awfull. Some looks like a not so good work in paint (ravnos example)


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