Hey, gang:
As the final touches are put on Hunters Hunted II in preparation for Kickstartery, I wanted to offer you a forward-looking peek at some of the Anarchs Unbound work in progress. You can find one of the redlines here.
If you’re unfamiliar with our process, a redline is when I as developer take the writer’s draft, make the changes I think are necessary to it, ask for further embellishment on topics, and suggest that the writer reconsider some point or another. It’s a good gig — I get to be tyrant! The writer then incorporates my comments or defends his position on why he wrote something a certain way, and then submits a final draft. The final goes through another round of development and then heads off to the editor, who performs a line and copyedit.

This draft is nice and clean. You’ll see only a few editing marks and a handful of comments. Some drafts are denser with corrections while upon occasion a draft arrives in nigh-immaculate shape, and doesn’t even require any rewrites. In most cases, though, the results look something like the draft linked above.
Right now, all of the writers have their redlines back and some of the finals have even made it back to me. As it stands, Anarchs Unbound is scheduled to complete in development on February 18. It should hit that date without problem and that’s a good sigh — it means that the Vampire schedule is being whipped back into shape after a few titles slipped last year, and you’ll have an opportunity to see more Vampire books, and sooner.
Nice to see it around Justin! keep the good work.
Oh, and remember to give us the 48/72 hours warning for the HH2 kickstarter!
I’m so damn excited about this.