Process, Process, Process [Monday Meeting Notes]

Hi, everyone! I’m Eddy Webb. I’m a freelance developer, consultant, and occasional Rich Thomas stand-in. Rich and his family are on vacation in San Diego, Seattle, Sacramento… someplace beginning with S. (Thanks for clapping, one person in the audience. That joke was for you.) Right now, I’m in the middle of a number of projects … Read more

Is This A Joke? [Pugmire]

First off, check out the new Pugmire image that Rich put together for the website. It really sells both the sense of exploration and of mourning that I love about Pugmire. Wait, mourning? Yes. But I’ll get to that in a bit. One question I get regularly is whether Pugmire is a joke. Given that … Read more

The Rules of Being a Dog [Pugmire]

I recently passed another milestone on Pugmire. I took the material I cobbled together for the Midwinter playtests and started rewriting it all from scratch in Scrivener. After a few weeks of sneaking time over nights and weekends to write, rewrite, and redesign furiously, I have enough in place that I can hand the material over to other … Read more

Playing With Dogs: Playtest Notes [Pugmire]

I’m trying to keep Pugmire posts to once a month or less, but since Rich mentioned that I just passed a milestone in development, I wanted to share my thoughts. For those that don’t know, last weekend I ran the first playtests of Pugmire. This was the first time I’ve ever played the game with people that aren’t me, … Read more

Not Just Pugs [Pugmire]

The past few weeks, in between a variety of other projects, I’ve written up what I call a “vertical slice” of Pugmire. It’s a document in which all of the key systems are fleshed out just enough to test them. That’s led to a number of revision passes as things break when I try to use them, … Read more

The Code of Man [Pugmire]

Today I want to talk a little more about Pugmire. But first I want to talk about the dog in this picture. This is Sanford. He is a rescue pug that we are fostering while we help him get to his forever home, and as I type this he’s playing with a squeaky toy behind me in … Read more

A Cautious Sniff [Pugmire]

(The image attached to the post is what I got when I searched for “dog armor” on Wikipedia Commons, as there isn’t any art for Pugmire yet. Consider it “inspirational” rather than an actual art direction.) Waaaaaay back in August, Rich and I announced Pugmire for the first time at GenCon. It’s a new creator-owned fantasy game (specifically, owned by my … Read more

Lore of the Clans: Thank You

Yesterday I sent off the last redlines to the writers for Lore of the Clans, thus closing the open development process for the book. Because of the staggered nature of open development, I’ve already gotten a few drafts back, but I’m expecting to get the majority of them in October. From there, I’ll revise, kick … Read more

I Rebel: The Brujah

The last Clan for open development in Lore of the Clans, and we’re ending on an interesting conundrum. Today we present the Brujah, written by Alan Alexander. As usual, Alan has written over wordcount with a lot of interesting material, so I’ll have a lot hard choices on what to cut. But there’s one particularly interesting component this … Read more