Elder Signs

Combining status report and meeting notes, since most of this meeting was a status meeting. Dust to Dust layout went to first draft and back. Rich will update based on my notes, and we’ll try another round, but it’s already looking pretty good. Werewolf 20th writers are being discussed, trying to make the right team. … Read more

Quick Update

This week we didn’t do a Monday Meeting, because Rich was out of power (which was only just restored last night). I just got off of a call with him. He’s doing fine now, and trying to catch up. He’s going to work on the layout for Dust to Dust over the weekend, and on … Read more

A Sad Week

Project Status Not a lot of movement overall last week, due to CCP layoffs and internal reorganization. Rich is going to try and get Dust to Dust laid out this week. Ethan is going to take over the Geist 1.1 development. Other pieces are moving forward again. Meeting Notes Rich suggests that we record the … Read more

Minty-Fresh Apple Products

Project Status Found italics problem in Strangeness ebook — working to get it resolved Dust to Dust layout discussed and ongoing Strange, Dead Love edits should be back this week Imperial Mysteries art notes should be in this week before going to editing House Divided series discussed a bit with Chuck — title might change … Read more

Flamewar (with Justin Achilli)

Monday Meeting 2! … yeah, numbering these is going to get irritating really fast. Let’s forget that I ever used to do that. Project Status Strangeness ebook — To Layout Vampire 20th — To PoD Layout Dust to Dust — To Layout Strange, Dead Love — Editing Imperial Mysteries — Development/Prep for Editing Victorian Lost … Read more

Monday Meeting Returns!

Back in the mists of ancient time, we had a regular lunch meeting on Mondays in which we would talk about what we were working on. It was called the Monday Meeting, because we’re original like that. Slightly less time ago (maybe “distant time” instead of “ancient time” — I don’t have the manual with … Read more

Test, and Bradstreet Previews

Originally posted by Eddy at the V20 Blog Testing to see if the blog’s back. Rather than a boring test post, though, I thought I would put up three of the Bradstreet pieces that have been shown on the V20 Facebook page for those might have missed them. Malkavian: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21095070@N03/5936731353/ Toreador: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21095070@N03/5936731329/in/photostream/ Ventrue: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21095070@N03/5937288904/in/photostream/