Demon blog

I’ve been reminded that I haven’t linked to the new Demon blog over at WhiteWolfBlogs yet. So here it is!

Release: Scion Extras

While it is well-known that not every God is as potent as Zeus (and not every Goddess as brave as Isis), even the Gods themselves tend to “forget” their long-lost cousins and great-aunts twice-removed on the other side of the family. Among the immortals, the uber-powerful feel there are some deities best left off Junior’s … Read more

Upcoming Con Appearances

Matt McFarland (God-Machine Chronicle, Demon) and Michelle Lyons-McFarland (editrix extraordinare) will be at MarCon this weekend, March 29-31, in Columbus, Ohio. Matt will be running a Demon demo! Stew Wilson (W20) will be at Conpulsion in Edinburgh, April 12-14. He’ll be running Werewolf, talking about both Apocalypse and Forsaken, and auctioning spots for people to … Read more

New Release: Mummy: The Curse

Imagine being both dead and deathless at the same time. Imagine being cradled in the arms of death for years, sometimes decades on end, but all the while knowing that you will eventually not only arise again, but awaken to an unfamiliar world that mostly fears and hates you. Now imagine that your purpose, your … Read more

An Absurdly Long Day

An ABSURDLY long day buried in a pile of books, cross-referencing like a motherfucker, yields about 3500 more words for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition’s fourth chapter – specifically, for a timeline of Mage history that reveals a ton of material… some of it never before revealed… about the world of M:tA. I haz a … Read more

Now in Print: March 19

Classic World of Darkness MTSC: The Artisan’s Handbook World of Darkness VTR: Vampire: The Requiem Rulebook (Standard Color) MTAw: Mage: The Awakening Rulebook (Standard Color) MTAw: Seers of the Throne Exalted Scroll of Fallen Races Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol II: The West

GM’s Day Sale

Happy GM’s Day! As part of DriveThruRPG’s massive GM’s Day Sale this week, we’re offering 25% off all Mage PDFs for Mage’s 20th anniversary. This includes Dark Ages: Mage, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Mage: The Ascension, and Mage: The Awakening! We also have 25% all Scion PDFs and 25% off the Moonstone Vampire: The Masquerade comic PDFs!