V20 Dark Ages: Chapter One

People wanted setting. So here’s our biggest share yet. Chapter One: A Place in Time. This one comes courtesy Filamena Young. This is just off the hook, it’s not been through editing yet, so don’t bother noting typos and things. This is all about content and world building. From a design perspective, we figure most … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Thaumaturgy Paths

Last week, I showed you Necromancy’s Paths. This week, I wanted to share Thaumaturgy’s Paths, likewise. It’s provided by our own Geoffrey McVey. This skews pretty close to V20, with some new flavor, and some material from Dark Ages: Vampire. When developing this, we’re finding a lot of dials in where to set any given … Read more

V20 Dark Ages Necromancy

As I ramp up development and turn words into final drafts, I plan to share more and more content. So here’s a good way to start: Necromancy. This is just the paths. It’s a pretty big chunk of wordcount, though. I felt it deserved a lot of attention, so did Thaumaturgy. Because, you know, Cappadocians, … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Lamiae

Hi everybody! Right now, we’re closing in on a lot of drafts of V20 Dark Ages. Many are in editing. Some are getting some last-stage polish. In the mean time, I wanted to share one of my favorite V20 Dark Ages bloodline writeups: The Lamiae. We have about a dozen bloodlines, and a few transitional … Read more

V20 Dark Ages Fiction Sample

Hi everyone! We’re busy, busy, busy. Making words. Redlining words. Making cocktails. Drinking cocktails. Having holidays. Making more words. Working on other books. But I wanted to share with you some of our current batch of wordstuff. I’ve been posting classic stuff. Disciplines. Clan spreads. All that jazz. Today, I wanted to share with you … Read more

Hunter the Vigil: The Faithful of Shulpae

Hi everyone! I’m just wrapping up the final main section of Hunter: Mortal Remains (previously called Monstrous Basterds). In celebration, I figured I’d show you all some of the absolutely terrifying stuff we’re bringing to the table. There’s a whole chapter on Dread Powers and awful monster shit. But no. In this case, we’re talking … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Salubri

Spoiler: Clan Salubri dies off. Sorry about that. So it really sucks to play them, right? Because that puts the Salubri in the role of metaplot vehicles with a foregone future. That’s kind of contrary to the point of a roleplaying game, isn’t it? Roleplaying games are about choices and consequences. As a player, you … Read more