[The World Below] Your Questions Answered

It’s time for another blog for The World Below! Since The World Below Ashcan Edition was released this week, and we ran a panel on the game during Onyx Path Virtual Gaming Convention over the weekend, we’ve accumulated a good number of questions about the game! As a result, I’m answering them right here for … Read more

[The World Below] Kaos

It’s time for another blog about The World Below! Last week we covered the nature of spirits in The World Below, ranging from dream, to dead, to nature, and the roles they might play in your sessions of this game. This time we’re discussing something that has shown up repeatedly in our teasers, but is … Read more

[Once and Future] Preview

As a result of popular demand, today’s preview will be from Once and Future, our upcoming sourcebook for Scion, which delves into all things wonderfully Arthurian! Once and Future accomplished a lot of tasks on its many pages. Whether you’re wanting to play as Pendragons-elect, in games of cyclical tragedy, be a Scion of one … Read more

[The World Below] Spirits

Matthew returning for another blog on The World Below! Last week we asked the question “What do you do?” in The World Below, covering some of the game basics surrounding your motivation to act, the challenges you might face, and the rewards you can gain by exploring the many sublime caverns of the Vast Underneath. … Read more

[The Hedge] Preview

Greetings, all! This week we’re going to tease a little morsel of content from the upcoming The Hedge for Changeling: The Lost 2e! I know this book is very much anticipated, so do read all the way to the bottom. We’ll be asking for your opinion on what to preview next! In the meantime, let’s … Read more

[The World Below] What do you do?

Matthew here once again, excavating more of The World Below! Last week we examined the Dialectic Path of The World Below, being your attunement to the environment around you, reflected in many of your abilities and future powers accessible to you. I asked you to write in the comments what you wanted to see next, … Read more

[They Came from CLASSIFIED!] Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept it…

Greetings all, Matthew here again with another blog! This time we’re entering the thrilling world of international espionage, where you’ll come up against all manner of alphabet agencies, rogue governments, secret societies, and eccentric tyrants bent on world domination. I am of course talking about They Came from [CLASSIFIED]! I love all the They Came … Read more

[The World Below] Dialectics

Matthew here, with another delve into The World Below! Last week we dove headfirst into the wonderfully grim settlement of Glowstream, which I’m sure a lot of you will be exploring in adventures to come. But at the end of that blog, I asked you what you wanted to see next regarding The World Below, … Read more

[The World Below] Glowstream

Matthew here, with another slice of The World Below for you! Last week I gave a short teaser about the lost settlement of Glowstream. Glowstream was one of the most populated, most well-defended, and most “civilized” settlements in the World Below, at least until the last Kalm season (a season with a somewhat ironic name). … Read more