Shamrock and Roll! [Monday Meeting Notes]

As you might have guessed from the image above, today is Saint Patrick’s Day in the US, so top o’ the mornin’ to ya, and sure and begorrah, and all that! And the fabled “luck of the Irish”, well we all know how that worked out for the legendary Patches O’Houlihan, but right now: let’s … Read more

More Steam! More Steam! [Monday Meeting Notes]

We’re in that time that crowdfunding backers know too well- the slump before the last days when backing sloooows down. Well, no! We don’t need to do that with our steam-powered Rigs! The Rigs are a big part of Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars – the crowdfunding campaign that now needs us to throw more of … Read more

The (Steam) Wars Begin! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Our BackerKit crowdfunding campaign for Trinity Continuum: Steam Wars starts tomorrow at 2PM EST, Tuesday the 28th! I wrote last week about how we’re thrilled to have this project demonstrate the “multiverse” aspect of the Trinity Continuum, as well as providing a great opportunity for us to introduce how the Storypath Ultra System could work … Read more