
That’s really what this week feels like. So many things are so close to getting out to everybody. But first, the Monday Lunch Meeting. We really hopped all over the place conversationally. First, Eddy and I talked a little game design. It’s no secret that some of the Onyx Path Dev teams are working on … Read more

The Screaming Cat What Screams At Midnight…

It has been a week of sleep disturbances culminating with Eddy postponing our bi-weekly V20 game because he couldn’t sleep well over the weekend due to a screaming cat. I choose to picture said cat as per the Featured Image with this blog. YMMV. Hearing about Eddy’s woes led to a discussion of the extremely … Read more

Frustrating Thieves Since 1955

I was late to my weekly Monday Lunch Meeting with Eddy today, because I had to drive down to Philly and help deal with a situation at my late Mother’s house. Somebody broke in and ransacked the place- hence the opening pic- and so police were called, and all that stuff you do in this … Read more

A Presidentially Delayed Monday Lunch Meeting

Happy day after Presidents’ Day. I know this is a big deal holiday for every single person reading this, so I bring it up. 🙂 Eddy and I discussed the Deluxe Hunters Hunted II Kickstarter that just closed yesterday at 211% of the funding goal with Stretch Goals that added sections on The Inquisition, Project … Read more

Post Reddit AMA Jitters

That’s right, it’s like I’m back in Nam, knee deep in the rice paddies, and the we’re being hit from all directions- Eddy’s down! We all knew he’d be the first one, didn’t we? So, for those of you who have No Idea WHAT I’m Talking About: the Onyx Path crew did a Reddit AskMeAnything … Read more


If you haven’t noticed, I’m using some Hunters Hunted II art as the Featured Art in these notes. That’s because we went live with the Deluxe V20 Hunters Hunted II Kickstarter last Thursday and it hit the funding goal in about two days- which is awesome! Now we’re going for additional info about the classic … Read more

Mid-Winter of our Disk Content

First off, Eddy was one of the guests at the Mid-Winter convention where he spread the word about Onyx Path (including a presentation with Matt McElroy) and was his usual LARPy self. He shared a couple of things that happened there with me besides the overall good things convention attenders had to say about Onyx … Read more