When in doubt, blame Shane.

For example, I made this horrible photoshop mash-up of Eddy Webb and Jim Carrey in Black Swan make-up because Shane DeFreest of ByNightStudios used his vampire powers and made me do it. Blame Shane. Or, as an another example, last Saturday night I was welcomed to a Live Action Roleplaying event about 20 minutes from … Read more

Now Available: Demon Ready-Made Characters: The Keystone

Now available from DriveThruRPG! Running a one-night game of Demon: The Descent? Wanting to start up a new chronicle, but your players aren’t sure what to play? Looking for a fast way to dive into one of White Wolf’s SAS adventures? Demon the Descent Ready Made Characters details “The Keystone,” a ring of demons bonded by the strange … Read more

A Fifth in the Fifth

Cinco de Mayo! Been so busy we almost missed this, which is quite different than the old White Wolf days when it was almost mandatory to head out early and start the feasting (drinking). At their best, there was the feeling of the hot Atlanta sun beating down on your head while sipping margaritas on a … Read more

New Release: Hunter: Mortal Remains

Now available on DriveThruRPG: As the Prey Evolves…  Everywhere you turn, a vampire eats some poor factory worker. Werewolves shred cars. Witches curse the innocent. Serial killers devastate communities. But what about the stranger aspects of the World of Darkness? Mortal Remains picks up where we left off with Night Stalkers, Spirit Slayers, Witch Finders, and Slashers. In Mortal Remains, … Read more

We’re Almosting Again

  After the craziness of the last couple of weeks, we kind of looked around and realized that Onyx Path has a lot of things that are Almost There. I feel like there are always too many, but that’s me- and when I look at what we’ve accomplished in these last two years, I get … Read more

Now in Print: April 22

Now available in print on DriveThruRPG! VTDA: Liege, Lord, and Lackey MTAs: Book of Crafts And from our friends at White Wolf: Big Eyes, Small Mouth 3rd Edition. Hardcopies of BESM3 have been going for $150 or more on Amazon and eBay, so now it’s back in print at a price everyone can enjoy.

It’s the Clans, Stan.

Hey look, some Clan symbols. I put these up because I just got the proposed outline for Blood Diaries of the Clans (current title) from Eddy Webb and these were two of my favorite ones that I did. Reading through his instructions for the writers was pretty cool, as was his confirmation of his continuing … Read more

WoD MMO News and Views

As many of you may have heard already, CCP has cancelled and/or shelved the World of Darkness MMO and laid off the remaining MMO team. Some team members, I hear, have been given a chance to stay with CCP working on EVE. Because I was once part of that team (you can see me wearing … Read more