I’ll Be Superamalgamated! [Monday Meeting Notes]

You’ll be Superamalgamated! And you’ll be Superamalgamated! And you’ll be Superamalgamated, too! We’ll all be Superamalgamated! The original is a line used by Johnny (William Harper Littlejohn) – one of Doc Savage’s team of adventurers sometimes called the Fabulous Five – in the Doc Savage pulp novels. I admit to adding a little Oprah-style excitement … Read more

Release Roundup: March 2021

How’s your March been? Crossroads Continent: Peoples of the Crossroads Continent (print) Scarred Lands: Vigil Watch (advance PDF) Scarred Lands: Spell Cards II: Yugman’s Guide (print) Scarred Lands: Item Cards IV: Yugman’s Guide (print) They Came from Beneath the Sea!: Monsters of the Deep (PDF/print) They Came from Beneath the Sea!: Storypath Tasty Bit: They … Read more

Now Available: They Came from Outer Space! Plus Yugman cards!

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: Storypath Tasty Bit: They Came from Outer Space! for They Came from Beneath the Sea! Keep Watching the Skies! These Archetypes, Tropes, and other details merely scratch the surface of what you can do with an Outer Space!game. If you maintain the era and setting as laid out in They Came … Read more

Announcement: Scion TV

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jenkins and Tate Entertainment Announce development deal for live-action tv series based on the Scion role-playing game by Onyx Path Publishing Rich Thomas, founder and creative director of Onyx Path Publishing, in conjunction with Jenkins and Tate Entertainment announced a new partnership today. Jenkins and Tate Entertainment will be developing a live-action … Read more

Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Kickstarter is live!

Trinity Continuum: Adventure! is the next edition of the pulp action game Adventure!, originally released in 2001. This new edition features mechanics that are both flexible and fast as well as new Inspired powers. While the setting is quite similar to the original edition’s, it has been newly updated to better fit into the overall Continuum setting and encourage … Read more

Now Available: Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart, and Crossroads Continent in print!

Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: Time is Come Round: The Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart for Chronicles of Darkness! The world suffers from illness. It shivers and shudders as the Contagion takes hold. In Houston, Texas, a woman has gone missing and you’re the ones to find and rescue her. But all is not what … Read more

The Game is Afoot & Agogo! [Monday Meeting Notes]

The Deluxe Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition: Victorian Age is the GAME, and the crowd-funding platform Indiegogo is the, well, GOGO! Together, we’re talking about the campaign on Indiegogo for M20: Victorian Age (whew! that’s a lot less of a mouthful!) that has 10 days to go and continues to climb! Generally, we’re really … Read more