Now Available: M20 Sorcerer

Now available in advance PDF: M20 Sorcerer for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition! Magicians and Mentalists The shadows of the World of Darkness have always concealed supernatural secrets. Monsters exist and magic is real. Hedge wizards and psychics dwell on the edges of those shadows and of human society, straddling the liminal space between … Read more

Release Roundup: July 2022

Welcome to the Release Roundup! Remember, this is where to go to find not just the month’s releases, but also the compiled project status updates for the last month. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: Scarred Lands: Dead Man’s Rust (PDF/print) Scion: Tales of Heroes: A Scion Anthology (B&N Nook) Scion: Scion Player’s Guide: Saints … Read more

Now Available: They Came from the Bikini Beach Party!

Now available in PDF: Storypath Tasty Bit: They Came from the Bikini Beach Party! for They Came from Beneath the Sea! It’s time for fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun! Every They Came from Beneath the Sea! takes our heroes to the beach at one point or other, and this book is built specifically for … Read more

OPP10: Chronicles of Darkness month, week 4: CofD Core Sale

2022 is Onyx Path’s tenth anniversary, so we’re celebrating a different game line every month this year! July is Chronicles of Darkness month. Week 4 covers core CofD material: Chronicles of Darkness and Contagion Chronicle (8 products totalling $7.10) Dark Eras (6 products totalling $7.60) … which have a number of titles on sale for … Read more

Now Available: Terat novella! Plus: VTT tokens!

Now available in ebook and print: Terat, a novella for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant! When Ken Clements ends up in an accidental crash that triggers his eruption, he is plagued by fear and doubt as the changes to his body feel unfamiliar and alien. News of Ken’s eruption becomes a talking point for anti-nova pundit Jordan … Read more

OPP10: Chronicles of Darkness month, week 3: big sales on all the beasties

2022 is Onyx Path’s tenth anniversary, so we’re celebrating a different game line every month this year! July is Chronicles of Darkness month. Week 3 covers (deep breath): Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition (3 products totalling $3.80) Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition (6 products totalling $4.40) Hunter: The Vigil 1st Edition (2 products totalling $1.90) … Read more

Now Available: Scion Player’s Guide: Saint’s & Monsters

Now available in advance PDF: Scion Player’s Guide: Saints & Monsters for Scion 2nd Edition! Discover what lurks in the hidden corners of myth. There is more to The World than the children of the Gods — more than Heroes and Demigods. Legends speak of stranger things; of mortals who challenge the very Gods themselves, … Read more

OPP10: Chronicles of Darkness month, week 2: big sales on Werewolf and Mage

2022 is Onyx Path’s tenth anniversary, so we’re celebrating a different game line every month this year! July is Chronicles of Darkness month. Week 2 covers Werewolf: The Forsaken and Mage: The Awakening week, with a number of our Werewolf: The Forsaken titles and Mage: The Awakening titles on sale for 10% of their original … Read more

Now Available: Dead Man’s Rust

Now available in PDF and print: Dead Man’s Rust for Scarred Lands! Death in the Forest of Blood At the Night of Chronicles in the city of Leoni, the adventurers enjoy a wild revel. Opportunity arises when the aging bard Dradoki Bronzeleaf hires the party to escort him to the Broadreach Horizon. The perilous voyage … Read more