Now Available: Assassins in print!

Now available in PDF and print: Trinity Continuum: Assassins for the Trinity Continuum core!

Enter the World of Shadow

Trinity Continuum: Assassins transports players to the Continuum’s underworld where well-dressed killers-for-hire use high-tech weapons and gear to eliminate their targets. Assassins join hidden Societies, each unified by their preferred method of doing violence. Their lives are brutal, blood-stained, and glamorous.

The Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook is required to use this book. 

Inside you will find:

  • Rules for creating Assassins: Trinity Continuum’s stone-cold, stylish killers, and the Societies that house and train them. 
  • Masteries, all-new powers unique to the Art of the Kill. 
  • Storyguiding advice for running tense, fast-paced games of intrigue and violence.
  • Guidelines for creating setpiece fights, plus dozens of new antagonists for the Assassins to overcome.

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It’s Onyx Path’s 10th Anniversary! Every month in 2022, we’ll be celebrating another one of our published game lines.

September is Realms of Pugmire month! The first half of the month, you can get Monarchies of Mau, Pirates of Pugmire, and Squeaks in the Deep titles for 90% off!

Indie Press Revolution also has 50% off select Realms of Pugmire products!

Stay tuned for more OPP10 sales the rest of this year!

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Community Spotlight

The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:

The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:

The following community-created content for Storypath has been added to the Storypath Nexus in the last week:

4 thoughts on “Now Available: Assassins in print!”

  1. So I pre-order Assassins on drivethru for $19.99, got the pdf. but I see that credit doesnt seem to apply to the pdf+book combo… Was that intentional? Because I really though my pre-order would apply to the combo


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