Release Roundup: August 2022

Welcome to the Release Roundup! Remember, this is where to go to find not just the month’s releases, but also the compiled project status updates for the last month. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: Crossroads Continent: Down in the Hole (PDF/print) Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: Aberrant VTT 01: Heroes and Villains (VTT) Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: … Read more

Now Available: Phoebe Trust

Now available in PDF: Storypath Tasty Bit: The Phoebe Trust for Trinity Continuum: Æon! Founded by the survivors of early, unethical experiments that unlocked psychic abilities, the Phoebe Trust protects and helps those subjected to such practices. Sometimes the Trust rescues these so-called psions from imprisonment in black-site labs, other times it helps them reassemble … Read more

Now Available: Mission Statements for Æon!

Now available in advance PDF: Mission Statements for Trinity Continuum: Æon! Mission Statements expands the setting of Trinity Continuum: Æon with details about organizations large and small, good and bad. From world powers, metacorporations, gangs, terrorists, cults and other threats, Mission Statements provides players with a wealth of information to understand the secrets and motivations of the groups that move … Read more

Now Available: Aberrant VTTs and Scarred Lands merch!

Now available: three VTT token sets for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant! Aberrant VTT 01: Heroes and Villains: The Heroes and Villains token collection allows you to bring some of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant‘s most iconic characters to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice, featuring 46 different tokens. Aberrant VTT 02: Mooks and Minions: The Mooks and Minions token … Read more

OPP10: Scarred Lands month, part 2: Big sales on Classic d20!

2022 is Onyx Path’s tenth anniversary, so we’re celebrating a different game line every month this year! August is Scarred Lands month. Part 2 covers the classic d20 material for 3e and 3.5! And just for kicks, we’re continuing the sale on Pathfinder material: Scarred Lands 3e/d20 (32 products for $30.70) Relics & Rituals 3e/d20 … Read more

Now Available: Down in the Hole in print!

Now available in PDF and print: Down in the Hole, a starter adventure for the Crossroads Continent! Adventure in the Crossroads Continent! Down in the Hole is a starter adventure for the Crossroads Continent, designed to capture an old-school feel with the 5e OGL ruleset. The adventurers acquire a map to an abandoned treasure horde allegedly belonging … Read more

Now Available: M20 Sorcerer

Now available in advance PDF: M20 Sorcerer for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition! Magicians and Mentalists The shadows of the World of Darkness have always concealed supernatural secrets. Monsters exist and magic is real. Hedge wizards and psychics dwell on the edges of those shadows and of human society, straddling the liminal space between … Read more

Release Roundup: July 2022

Welcome to the Release Roundup! Remember, this is where to go to find not just the month’s releases, but also the compiled project status updates for the last month. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: Scarred Lands: Dead Man’s Rust (PDF/print) Scion: Tales of Heroes: A Scion Anthology (B&N Nook) Scion: Scion Player’s Guide: Saints … Read more