The Contagion Chronicle Kickstarter has launched!

The Kickstarter for a prestige edition of the Contagion Chronicle has launched! The Contagion Chronicle is an overarching compendium of chronicle hooks, riveting settings, and Storyteller aids to help present all the Chronicles of Darkness game lines with one consistent story. In the chronicle, the Contagion acts as a motivational force and inspires the formation of factions where vampires, … Read more

Now Available: Monthly Exalted Releases

Now available on DriveThruRPG in PDF: Adversaries of the Righteous part 10: Adeimantus for Exalted 3rd Edition! From the bustling streets of Nexus to the savage western seas, Creation is ripe with threats to mortals and Chosen alike. Crooked traders, vile occultists, and even zealous protectors of the Realm can be found in every city, … Read more

Now Available: Mage20 Hardcover Journals!

Now available on RedBubble for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition: Mage20 Hardcover Journals! The Nine Traditions join the rest of our current run of hardcover journals, with stylish covers in the Mage20 style. To paraphrase what Mirthful Mike said about the V20 journals, if we had done individual Tradition Books for M20, this is … Read more

Now Available: Handbook for the Recently Deceased

Now available on DriveThruRPG in PDF and print for Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition: the Handbook for the Recently Deceased! It’s a big afterlife. What are you going to do in it?  Handbook for the Recently Deceased is a guide for those who are new to the Underworld – players, Shadowguides, and Storytellers alike. It … Read more

Beast Player’s Guide Preview [Beast: The Primordial]

  Here’s a selection from the recently-released Beast Player’s Guide. Beyond the Nightmares a Beast can learn from her kin or by exploring the Primordial Dream, other members of the supernatural community spread their own brands of terror. As she spends time with other creatures, and especially if she creates Family Ties with others, her … Read more