Now Available: Mage20 Hardcover Journals!

Now available on RedBubble for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition: Mage20 Hardcover Journals! The Nine Traditions join the rest of our current run of hardcover journals, with stylish covers in the Mage20 style. To paraphrase what Mirthful Mike said about the V20 journals, if we had done individual Tradition Books for M20, this is … Read more

Release Roundup: April 2018

April had us running around like fools (April fools, if you will) with the incredible Dragon-Blooded Kickstarter. Thanks to everyone who contributed! This month also saw: Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade part 12: Aughdeighe and Jungle Stalker (PDF) Exalted: Adversaries of the Righteous part 7: The Bloodthirsty (PDF) Demon: The Descent: Night Horrors: Enemy Action (print) Beast: The Primordial: Beast Player’s … Read more

Now Available: Exalted Monthlies, and Mage Cookbook on Amazon!

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: Hundred Devils Night Parade part 12: Aughdeighe and Jungle Stalker for Exalted 3rd Edition! From the frozen North to the burning South, and all directions in between, there are creatures that stalk Creation. Demons, spirits, monsters and even creatures who live alongside mankind are in every region. In this collection you … Read more

Release Roundup: December 2017

Not a bad way to cap off the year! Game Media Pugmire: Thank You, Darcy Cat! (audio adventure, also via Indie Press Revolution) Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Changing Ways (advance PDF) Mage: The Ascension: The Mage Cookbook (PDF/print) Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade: Dune Swarm and Haunt (PDF) Merch Pugmire Art: Thank You, Darcy Cat! (shirt) Exalted Cover Art: Arms of … Read more

Now Available: Mage20 Cookbook!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: The Mage Cookbook for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition! Food is Life  We are what we eat. As mages throughout history have realized, the foods that sustain our bodies sustain enlightenment as well. Such foods become extensions of the people and cultures that create them. Now … Read more

Release Roundup: November 2017

Here’s a look at everything we’ve released over the last month, in case you’ve missed any of it: Game Books The Onyx Dice dice rolling app (iOS/Android) Pugmire: Pugmire Card Set 1 (Trick, Condition, and Initiative cards) (PDF/print) Vampire: The Dark Ages: Legacy of Lies: A V20 Dark Ages Jumpstart (PDF/print) Exalted: Arms of the … Read more

Now Available: Half-Damned, 100 Devils part 7, and more!

Now available from DriveThruRPG as Advance PDF: Half-Damned for Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition! Family? Ha!  My mother would show up every few years and suddenly be very into my life.  She would take me out of school to take trips with her, or buy me anything I wanted,  but she never really listened to … Read more

Now Available: Pugmire Card Set 1, and Onyx Dice!

Now available in PDF and print on demand from DriveThruRPG: Pugmire Card Set 1 (Trick, Condition, and Initiative Cards)! Enhance your Pugmire game with this set of player aid cards! These helpful visual aids make your Pugmire gaming easier! Lay them out next to your sheet for ease of reference during play, and to keep … Read more

Release Roundup: October 2017

What a spooptacular month it’s been! Don’t forget that we’re in the final few hours of our Halfoween sale on IPR, and also DriveThruRPG’s Halloween Sale! VTM Bloodlines and Redemption are on also sale via Steam and GOG, but I’m sure everyone’s already got those, right? Here’s all of our releases for the last month: Game … Read more