Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition FAQ, Part 1

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about the setting and system of m20. In the first half of our FAQ, Satyros Phil Brucato answers some of the most frequent ones. View the second half here. • What IS Mage: The Ascension? An interactive storytelling game about people whose beliefs can change the world, Mage: … Read more

Mirthful Mike’s Magical Art Machine

Hi Everybody, This week’s art preview comes from Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition. This week’s art was created by Jeff Laubenstein and shows a Mage creating a talisman. The notes for this piece: “Although it’s technically possible to create some forms of minor magical items with lesser Prime power, most potent objects require at least … Read more

Mirthful Mike’s Art Blog: Mage 20th Anniversary Art Preview pt 3

Hi Everybody, Getting an earlier start today than I did on last week’s blog. This week we are revealing one more of Steve Prescott’s pieces, the Orphans “splat” (pictured to the left).  Her description as written by the developer: Vaguely sheltered from a storm stands a dark-skinned Brazilian girl, late teens/ early 20s, with long … Read more