New Release: Scion and V20 Posters!

Two posters were debuted at Gen Con: A V20 poster and a double-sided Scion/Trinity Continuum poster. If you missed Gen Con, DriveThruRPG announced their new capability to print posters, so single-sided versions of the V20 and Scion posters are now available! Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Poster Creatures of the Night! An amazing montage … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Daimonion

Been down periscope a bit. I’m getting art notes in, changing the orders of things, and filling out some word count I didn’t know we’d have. In the mean time, I wanted to show off our version of Daimonion, the signature Baali Discipline. Our own Neall Raemonn Price did levels 1-5, and the Hell Born … Read more

Be Accursed: The Followers of Set

One more chapter for Lore of the Clans before we get ready for Gen Con! Today I have the Followers of Set, written by Joshua Doetsch. Here’s the link to the Google Doc: Edit: Link removed now that open development is closed. Thank you! Joshua’s a couple thousand words under (mainly in the mechanics section), so he has … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Serpentis

Hi everyone! Happy Thursday. I’ve been down periscope a bit. I’m doing some last-minute tweaks to the text before I send it over to layout. This is something I wanted to share to you a bit, partly because I did it myself and it’s good to get feedback, and partly because it shows off a … Read more