New Release: Rites of the Blood

Advance PDF now available from DriveThruRPG! In the deepest crimson depths of their being, raw power waits to be brought to the surface. Through their force of will, Kindred can drag this power kicking and screaming into the open to perform miraculous feats and twisted blasphemies. These rituals have been developed to direct and focus … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Clever Phrase Using the Word, “Merit”

Developing, editing, improving upon drafts based on input, developing, editing, improving, blah, blah, so on, so forth. Right now, I’m focusing heavily on polishing “bumper text” which is the lead-in text before every chapter gets into its meat. That takes a little more work than you might expect, because you’re often trying to blend styles, … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Laibon

Hi everyone! I wanted to share something a little more substantial today, since I’ve been hard at work in the word mines, trying to get this book wrapped up and sent over to art/layout. The Laibon are a weird bit of Vampire: The Masquerade history. The various editions have had conflicting versions, stories, and treatments … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Character Creation

Last time, I had a few requests for the character creation chapter. It’s not through editing yet, but it does what it’s supposed to do. Here’s almost 8,000 words of character creation. This doesn’t have the extended traits section afterward, explaining every Attribute, Ability, Background, et cetera. But, it’s got all your basic creation rules. … Read more

New Release: Anarchs Unbound

Now available in PDF, ePub, and print from DriveThruRPG! Tear down the tyrants! Paint the streets with the blood of Princes and Archbishops! With Anarch domains increasing their hold over new territories every night, the Kindred can no longer afford to consider Movement an unruly mob of wayward childer. As the doomed tactics of the … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Chapter One

People wanted setting. So here’s our biggest share yet. Chapter One: A Place in Time. This one comes courtesy Filamena Young. This is just off the hook, it’s not been through editing yet, so don’t bother noting typos and things. This is all about content and world building. From a design perspective, we figure most … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Thaumaturgy Paths

Last week, I showed you Necromancy’s Paths. This week, I wanted to share Thaumaturgy’s Paths, likewise. It’s provided by our own Geoffrey McVey. This skews pretty close to V20, with some new flavor, and some material from Dark Ages: Vampire. When developing this, we’re finding a lot of dials in where to set any given … Read more

Now Available: Blood Nativity

One of the earliest Vampire: The Masquerade supplements, dating all the way back to 1991, was Blood Nativity, published by Atlas Games, and is now available in PDF. Now that Atlas has joined DriveThruRPG, all sorts of classic products — like early Ars Magica — are being added, including Blood Nativity.