Anarchs Unbound Deluxe Kickstarter is live!

The Kickstarter for the Deluxe Edition of Anarchs Unbound is now live! Vampire: The Masquerade’s Anarchs Unbound takes the bomb-tossing, rabble-rousing vampire revolutionaries of the Anarch Movement and updates them as one of the most energetic and fast-growing sects, gaining ground as they use technologies and mortal agents to advance their agendas in the modern nights. With the Movement … Read more

Dark Ages: Vampire FREE

As the long night falls on 2013, send yourself back to the time of the Long Night, the War of Princes. Today (Tuesday) only, we bring you the Dark Ages: Vampire Rulebook for FREE! We’ve got a different free rulebook every day this week. Check back tomorrow!

V20 Dark Ages Fiction Sample

Hi everyone! We’re busy, busy, busy. Making words. Redlining words. Making cocktails. Drinking cocktails. Having holidays. Making more words. Working on other books. But I wanted to share with you some of our current batch of wordstuff. I’ve been posting classic stuff. Disciplines. Clan spreads. All that jazz. Today, I wanted to share with you … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Salubri

Spoiler: Clan Salubri dies off. Sorry about that. So it really sucks to play them, right? Because that puts the Salubri in the role of metaplot vehicles with a foregone future. That’s kind of contrary to the point of a roleplaying game, isn’t it? Roleplaying games are about choices and consequences. As a player, you … Read more