Hanging it all Out

Last night we had a three-hour Hangout with myself and the Book of the Wyrm consulting developers. We talked about a whole lot of things, from mechanics of corruption to the Wyrm getting in to payday lending and the return of Günter Häagen•Däaz, the Man With Too Many Umlauts. And at this point, you guys … Read more

Busy as a mad thing

Been quiet. Quiet is good because it means I’m getting stuff done. On the other hand, quiet means no open development, which is less good. So I’ll give you a general update now and work out what I can share for the next post. Book of Changing Breeds is with editing and art notes are … Read more

The W20 Cookbook

As some of you will have seen in the Kickstarter updates, one of the things that we’re offering as part of the “Holy shit you guys are awesome” level1 of stretch rewards is the W20 Cookbook. In the grand old tradition of W20 stretch goals, we didn’t plan this. I joked about doing it over … Read more

Kickstarter Krazy

Or something along those lines, anyway. Rich is suffering from a power outage, what with Hurricane Sandy and all, so I thought I’d catch you up with where we’re at with the Deluxe W20 Kickstarter. It’s got another fourteen hours as of this writing to run. We’ve obliterated our original goal of $85K (it took … Read more

Jess on Ajaba

[I asked Jess Hartley to put together a post about the Ajaba, and some of the changes we’re considering making to a breed close to both our hearts. Take it away, Jess!] Sometimes writing for a project like Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is pretty straightforward. As a game line develops, decades of game … Read more

One week left on Werewolf20 Deluxe Kickstarter!

We’re entering the home stretch now, with one week to go in the Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Kickstarter. As I write this, according to the KS tracker in the sidebar to the right, we’re at 289% of our original $85,000 goal, with $246,444 pledged and 1,459 backers. We’ve passed eight different stretch goals … Read more

W20 Writer Jess Hartley Interview

Here is a transcript of W20 writer (and all-around WW word-smith par excellance) Jess Hartley‘s interview on the Charisma Bonus blog for those of you who might have missed it. Some really interesting questions and answers about classic WoD and new WoD, particularly in regards to Werewolf, and working on W20 and its supplements,  including … Read more